Compare and contrast these two World War 1 poets and discuss how irony and imagery is used to portray the idealism and/or realities of war. Poet William Butler Yeats: His poems are titled: “Easter 1916,” “The Wild Swans at Coole,” “In memory of Major Robert Gregory,” “An Irish Airman Forsees His Death,” “The Second Coming,” “A prayer for my daughter,” “Leda and the Swan,” “Sailing to Byzantium,” “Among School Children,” “A dialogue of Self and soul.”

Compare and contrast these two World War 1 poets and discuss how irony and imagery is used to portray the idealism and/or realities of war.

Poet William Butler Yeats: His poems are titled:
“Easter 1916,” “The Wild Swans at Coole,” “In memory of Major Robert Gregory,” “An Irish Airman Forsees His Death,” “The Second Coming,” “A prayer for my daughter,” “Leda and the Swan,” “Sailing to Byzantium,” “Among School Children,” “A dialogue of Self and soul.”

Poet Thomas Hardy: His poem is titled:
“Channel Firing.”

Length: a minimum of 1,100 words, typed using MLA style for document formatting and in-text citations.

Paper presents a sophisticated thesis that reveals in-depth and insightful interpretation of the text. Organization exhibits coherent structure; ideas are original, clearly developed, and supported with well- chosen and specific references to the text. Support is analyzed (broken down and explained) to demonstrate strong critical reading and interpretation skills and accurate application of literary terms. The analysis begins with identification of the work by title, author, and genre and succinctly states a position or point to be proven in the body of the essay. Word choice used is varied, precise, and sophisticated. Sentence length and grammatical structure are varied to create an original voice and a feeling of momentum in the essay. Mastery of conventions of Standard English is demonstrated by little to no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, format, and MLA format for citations and quotations.