Compare two ethical systems to decide which system would provide the best answer to a given ethical dilemma. The ethical systems on which you write must have been covered by this course (e.g. virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, care ethics, etc.).

Compare two ethical systems to decide which system would provide the best answer to a given ethical dilemma. The ethical systems on which you write must have been covered by this course (e.g. virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, care ethics, etc.).

Write a 500 – 800 word essay that (1) compares and contrasts the ways at least two ethical systems would address a given ethical dilemma; (2) evaluates the positive and negative aspects of both proposed solutions; (3) and determines which ethical system addresses the dilemma in the most favorable way.

Remember to earn full credit you must include outside sources, appropriate citation, and a Works Cited page.

Sample Format:

I. Compare and contrast the ways at least two ethical systems, such as deontology, virtue ethics, or utilitarianism, would address one of these three ethical dilemmas:

A) The mad bomber scenario: A madman who has threatened to explode several bombs in crowded areas has been captured. Hundreds of people may die if the locations of the bombs are not soon discovered. Is it ethical to torture the bomber in an effort to learn the bombs’ locations?

B) The lifeboat scenario: A lifeboat that safely holds 7 holds 30 following the sinking of a ship. A storm is approaching that threatens to kill everyone. Whoever is chosen to stay aboard must help row to safety. Is it ethical for the captain to throw the weakest of the survivors overboard so that those remaining have a greater chance of rescue?

C) Kohlberg’s medical theft scenario: A cure for cancer has been discovered, but costs $200,000 to administer to one patient. Heinz sells all he owns to purchase the cure for his dying wife, but still does not have enough money. The owner of the cure is not willing to sell for less. Is it ethical for Heinz to steal the medicine?

Correctly cite evidence to support your analysis. (CT1, CS1, SR1, PR1)

II. Evaluate the ethical responses to the dilemma with regard to the individual and a culturally diverse society. In what ways do the responses address the problem in a way that benefits aculturally diverse society? Also, how do these responses consider the individual? (CT1, CS1, SR1, PR1)

Correctly cite evidence to support your analysis. (CT1, CS1, SR1, PR1)

III. Choose one of the two ethical responses as the best response to the dilemma. Present a persuasive argument for this ethical system as opposed to the other system. What makes this response the better of the two?