Compare the various forms of differential reinforcement that you can use when working with a client, namely, differential reinforcement of other, differential reinforcement of incompatible, differential reinforcement of low or higher rates, and differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors; be sure to discuss specific considerations and unintended effects associated with each form.

ABA Question 2:
Part One: Methods of Differential Reinforcement

Compare the various forms of differential reinforcement that you can use when working with a client, namely, differential reinforcement of other, differential reinforcement of incompatible, differential reinforcement of low or higher rates, and differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors; be sure to discuss specific considerations and unintended effects associated with each form.

Part Two: Apply Differential Reinforcement to a Case

For each DR procedure identify a specific client of choice, a problem behavior, the hypothesized function of the problem behavior, a replacement behavior, and the process for identifying reinforcers as appropriate. The same hypothetical case can be used, as appropriate, for more than one DR procedure. However, the case must match the intended outcome of the DR process being discussed, so more than one case scenario may be necessary.

Design examples for each (DRO, DRA, DRI, and DRL/DRH) where you would clearly want to use one method of differential reinforcement over the other. Explain how you would calculate the initial schedule of reinforcement for each example taking baseline measures into consideration. Discuss whether the process of extinction would be integrated into the various differential reinforcement procedures and provide a rationale for your determination. Then, articulate how you would go about thinning the schedules of reinforcement to promote maintenance and generalization of behavior by transferring stimulus control to naturally occurring contingencies.

Part Three: Important Considerations

Finally, address any ethical, legal, cultural and social validity issues. Throughout your discussion, synthesize the key ethical considerations that will support the necessary steps in the intervention process. Be sure to use the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (2014) as a framework, and take careful thought in supporting your discussions with specific codes and relevant rationale. Also, include a discussion to address any potential legal, cultural and social validity issues (10-15 pages)
Other Requirements
You should apply APA Style formatting throughout your paper. Include a title page, section headings, in-text citations, and a references page. Keep direct quotes to a minimum. You should also include an introductory paragraph, thesis sentence, and summary paragraph.
You should cite relevant empirical research and scholarly articles within Applied Behavior Analysis. You should cite a minimum of seven peer-reviewed journal articles. You should carefully select sources after reviewing the literature and evaluating the credibility, relevance, quality, and research merit of each source.

ABA Grading Rubric
Grading Elements Comments

Student compares the methods of Differential Reinforcement (DRI, DRA, DRO, and DRL/DRH) and discusses specific unintended effects or special considerations for each method.
Student identifies a hypothetical client, problem behavior, function of problem behavior, a functionally equivalent replacement behavior, and the process for identifying effective reinforcement as appropriate for each DR procedure.
Student designs a procedure using each of the methods of Differential Reinforcement. For each procedure:
a. Provide an explanation as to why the DR method is appropriate for the case presented.
b. Discuss how you would determine an initial schedule of reinforcement, and how you would consider thinning the schedule to promote generalization to naturally occurring contingencies.
c. Explain whether extinction should be incorporated into each procedure to increase the intervention’s effectiveness with a clear rationale for your decision.
Student analyzes ethical, legal, cultural, and social validity factors associated with the establishment of a reinforcement procedure. Ethical discussion is supported by codes outlined in the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code and the core ethical principles.
Writing Mechanics
Includes a clear, concise introduction (ending in a solid thesis statement), complete paragraphs, and a final conclusion. Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation following Standard American English guidelines; free of typographical errors. Provides a clear and logical order of presentation where ideas transition from one topic to the next reflecting a scholarly tone. Meets the minimum page length requirement, not including the title page or reference page.
APA Style
Proper use of APA style. Title page, abstract, headings, in-text citations, and reference page are formatted correctly containing no errors. Integrates the appropriate number of primary, peer-reviewed academic sources to support conclusions. Primarily student’s own words paraphrased correctly with direct quotes used sparingly.
Decision–Pass or Needs Revision
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the Assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.