Comparison/Contrast Paper (625 words). Compare and contrast two different things. Aim for a critically thought out, interesting, well-supported thesis statement.

Compare and Contrast what causes something to look good or not look good (or sound good—a good video game?) and what makes both, but remember to think in untraditional ways./ Compare and contrast how something becomes good or evil and why? Remember to think outside of the obvious./ Compare and contrast sin and virtue, remembering to focus on critical thinking moments. How does sin develop in a life in subtle ways we should all be careful analyze and compare and contrast./ Compare and contrast idols and non-idols. / Compare and contrast how one develops courage vs. stupidity, focusing on the subtle differences. Compare and contrast how happiness develops and explain why it is happiness. / Compare and contrast wealth and poverty. What does Jesus mean by emphasizing it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?/ Compare and contrast how different economic classes develop. Is it true there is class warfare, as Marx said? Or compare and contrast the different classes./ Compare and contrast the development of democracy with tyranny–its strengths and weaknesses, especially in relationship to other forms of government. Or compare and contrast different forms of democracy with other forms of government./ Compare and contrast the best ways to discipline a child/student and why./ Compare and Contrast different philosophies of deciding when war is necessary and when peace. Consider Just War theory to start your thinking. Or compare and contrast war and peace./ Compare and contrast different processes of determining the best types of punishment for those who have broken the law (including drug users or the so-called victimless crimes). Why is this the best process? You might present your analysis and viewpoints on capital punishment. / Compare and contrast different ways one comes to believe or disbelieve in the Christian God or other Gods. Or compare and contrast belief and unbelief. / Compare and contrast the ways you know something is knowledge or opinion.

Compare and contrast different methods of dealing with death, using Ernest Becker’s Denial of Death./ Compare and contrast the best way to balance emotion and reason. How does one know when the balance has been lost? Or compare and contrast emotion and reason./ Compare and contrast fear and the best way to overcome it. Or compare and contrast approaches to dealing with fear. / Compare and contrast different approaches to how one overcomes depression or anxiety.

Note About Papers: Follow the paper format at with Times New Roman 12 size font. The spacing should be double. Unless otherwise noted, all graded, out of class, writing submissions will be typed.

Students are reminded they may use first person in their papers as long as they do not do so repetitively and in-concisely (i.e. Students should not repeat ‘I think’ over and over again when it is already clear that these are the student’s opinions). Students should use first person if they feel there is personal experience they can use to sharpen the paper’s ideas and make them more insightful.

Grading Policy on Writing Paragraphs: I have a specific policy in class that paragraphs should range from 4-7 sentences and be no longer than 7 sentences. There is even an argument from professional writers today that paragraphs should be even shorter as a result of the need to constantly impress today’s audience and keep their attention, but 4-7 sentences is sufficient for our class. Any longer than 7 sentences, and points are taken off for Organization.