Components of Nursing Knowledge

Please write using active voice.
1. Organization – Information in logical, interesting sequence, the paper has a clear and well-developed introduction, body and conclusion.
2. Introduction – Interesting, clear & concise introduction to the topic of the paper, telling the reader what will be discussed.
3. Content – Interesting, clear & concise discussion of the
assumptions & core concepts of the theory, model or topic fully
support points with convincing arguments, ideas, and data.
4. Theory & Case Study – The theory is clearly explained, and the case study helps to demonstrate the theories usefulness. Problems with the theory are also discussed, the bibliography is complete and reflects appropriate
Sources. Used Case no more than seven years old, but if there is an original, please acknowledge it with the current case.
5. Use of APA format references NO older than seven years old – Uses at least seven relevant professional references, not including the textbook, and at least five from academic journals. Please used peer review journal and nursing peer review journals. Use quotation marks and give page(s) number for all quotes in the paper. Uses APA correctly.