Compose a 2 page blog describing the climate in your organization, department, or team. Do not use the actual name of the organization – you can make up a pseudonym

Compose a 2 page blog describing the climate in your organization, department, or team. Do not use the actual name of the organization – you can make up a pseudonym. Include the following in your description:

Is the climate supportive or defensive?
Take the Communication Climate Inventory (Excel document attachment).

Does this align with the results of your Communication Climate Inventory? Attach your Inventory results as an appendix.

How does the communication climate affect motivation and organizational/team commitment?

How could you improve the communication climate in your organization, department, or team?

What communication skills would you like to learn or improve on in order to create a supportive communication climate?

Be sure to support your analysis with concepts and principles introduced in the background readings on communication as well as conflict and teams (if appropriate). You may also incorporate outside research to supplement the background material. Cite all sources properly.

Use the following background references:

Dukes, A.J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from

Issues Teams Face: Managing Conflict (n.d.) Retrieved from

Segal, J & Smith, M. (n.d.). Conflict resolution skills: Building the skills that can turn conflicts into opportunities. Retrieved from