Conduct a SWOT Analysis on your project business

Conduct a SWOT Analysis on your project business(see attached Marketing Plan). Think about capabilities and core competencies for internal strengths and weaknesses, and consider all the factors in the broad macro-environment in your external analysis of opportunities and threats. A chart format is acceptable, however, be sure to indicate how changes in each particular external force will affect your business.
Review the slides on Porter’s Generic Strategies in the Reading Materials attached and discuss how you intend to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
Also, craft a mission statement for your business (refer to page 41 of the textbook for guidance: URL attached in Reading Material).
Your final document should be 2 pages max and cite sources where necessary using APA style.

Use the following format:
Conduct a SWOT Analysis
Discuss your competitive advantage for your small business
Craft a mission statement for your business (refer to page 41 for guidance).
Identify and explain the factors in the macroenvironment, and give examples of how changes in each of those factors may affect your business. What might provide opportunities and what may pose threats?
2 pages, single-spaced max
Cite sources using APA style.