Consider the following two products: 3D television and prescription. Which product would have a higher price elasticity of demand in absolute value? Explain your answer including identifying the determinant of elasticity

Written Assessment ECO10004 Economic Principles
Part B
Due Date – See Canvas under the assessment tab
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Please do not attach a coversheet to your assignment. Also,
do not include a copy of the questions in your document.
You can insert pictures in your document but they must be
low resolution pictures. If your file is larger than 1 to 2 MB
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Marking Scheme and word count
 The total marks for the written assessment is 50 and represents 50% of
your total mark for the unit. Part A is worth 12; Part B is worth 20 and
Part C is worth 18.
 Each question is worth either 1, 2 or 4 marks as indicated (at the end of
each question).
 A word count is set for each question (at the end of each question). You
must ensure your answer is below the word count. Anything written
after the word count has been exceeded will not count towards your
Task 2: Elasticity
1. Consider the following two products: 3D television and prescription. Which product would
have a higher price elasticity of demand in absolute value? Explain your answer including
identifying the determinant of elasticity. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 60
2. Consider the following two products: Coffee sold in a café or electricity (assume limited excess
capacity). Which product would have a higher price elasticity of supply in absolute value?
Explain your answer including identifying the determinant of elasticity. Coffee sold in a café or
electricity (assume limited excess capacity). (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 60
In the following graph, the demand for tyres has shifted to the left because the price of cars
has increased from, on average $25,000 to $35,000 per car. Use the graph to answer question
3. Calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand between tyres and cars. Show your calculations
and explain your answer in words. (2 marks) – Maximum number of words 80 + calculation
20 000 21 000
25 000
Task 3: Costs of Production
Explain whether the following events in questions 1 and 2 will affect fixed costs or variable costs
(make sure you justify your answer):
1. The federal government applies a licence fee on every ‘television network’ of 1 million AUD. (1
mark) Maximum number of words 40
2. Samsung signs a new contract changing the price it pays for ‘power boards’ that are used in its
TVs. (1 mark) Maximum number of words 40
Read the following excerpt and answer question 3.
Airbus and Dreamliner Battle for Air Space
The world’s largest passenger plane [Airbus] has proven to be the most
expensive civilian airplane ever developed. Airbus claims its fuel efficiency,
control system and sound-reduction technology also make it the most
advanced airliner ever built. The Dreamliner travels the same distance as the
A380 [Airbus] at the same speed but carries half the passengers.
Author: Davin Coburn Jun 15, 2010
3. You are an executive in an airline company that uses both Dreamliner and Airbus planes.
Thinking of the long run, when might it be best to use the Dreamliner? When might it be best
to use the Airbus? Use the long run average total cost curve in explaining your answer. (4
marks) Maximum number of words 350
Task 4: Market Power
1. Graph and explain the situation for Adidas if it was the only seller of exercise running shoes in
Australia. Contrast this with the situation when many other brands enter the market selling
similar products. Use a graph and explain your answer. When drawing graphs assume the firm
is in the long run. (2 marks) – Maximum number of words 120
2. There are many cattle farms in the world, and there are also many McDonald’s restaurants in
the world. Why, then, does a McDonald’s restaurant face a downward-sloping demand curve
while a cattle farms face a horizontal demand curve? How would this situation change if there
were two McDonalds restaurants located next to each other? (2 marks) – Maximum number of
words 200
Task 5: Business Strategy
Consider the example where Jim’s coffee (they seem to sell everything else) wants to open a store
but a major existing company Stars and Coffee threatens Jim’s by saying if you enter I will charge
lower prices. The pay-off matrix is below. Answer questions 1 to 5.
1. Define dominant strategy. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words 50
2. Does Jim’s coffee have a dominant strategy? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of words
3. Does Stars and Coffee have a dominant strategy? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of
words 80
4. Define Nash equilibrium. What is (are) the Nash equilibrium(s) in this game. Explain. (2 marks)
– Maximum number of words 150
5. Should Jim’s coffee believe Stars and Coffee threat? Explain. (1 mark) – Maximum number of
words 100
High Price Low Price
Jim’s earns Jim’s earns
2 million profit 1 million loss
S and C earns S and C earns
3 million 1 million
Jim’s coffee
Jim’s earns Jim’s earns
zero profit zero profit
Do not enter S and C earns S and C earns
7 million 2 million
Stars and Coffee