construction falls

Unit IV Research Paper Topic In this course, you are asked to prepare a Research Paper on a construction-related fall accident. To prepare you for the Research Paper, you will need to gain some knowledge and familiarity of construction accidents. Search the Internet, the CSU Online Library, safety organizations, or use an accident you are familiar with to complete the following: Write at least two pages of your initial thoughts about the accident. Include the following elements:  Briefly summarize the accident.  Discuss your initial thoughts about the cause of the accident.  Include a cover page and a reference page. Format your paper topic using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. The accident must be a construction accident. Unit VI Research Paper Outline By now, you have had the opportunity to review research topics regarding falls in construction, select one, and briefly reflect on the topic. In order to stay on track and continue making progress on the Unit VIII Research Paper, prepare an outline with the major headings or topic sentences. An outline is a great way to provide organization for papers and projects. For this assignment, it is not intended for you to write an accident analysis or investigation. You may use an accident(s) to support your research, but it cannot be the focus of your paper. Your outline should include the following:  cover page,  the topic,  one paragraph that describes the importance of the topic, and  at least four major headings in outline form. (You do not have to include more than the heading.) APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. You do NOT have to commit to the details of your outline until the Research Paper is finished. As you continue to research the topic and draft the paper, the organization of your thoughts (i.e., the details of the outline) may evolve. That is expected and acceptable. To organize those thoughts, it is a good idea to begin with an outline. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VIII Research Paper Falls are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the construction industry. Your final assignment is to write a research paper on falls in construction. It is not intended for you to write an accident analysis or a paper on OSHA. Your paper should use an accident(s) to support your research, but should not be the focus of your paper. It is also not necessary to give the name of an injured person, describe the effect on family, and give the OSHA violation and fine amount, etc., as they are not desired in this paper. An acceptable example would be falls from ladders, to include: 1. What are the common causative factors? 2. What does data indicate? 3. What are the effective proven corrective measures? Always remember the most important aspect of a research paper is the summary analysis by the writer of the research.  Your Paper must be a minimum of five pages in length not including the cover page or reference page.  APA format is required. Be sure to have in text citations and more than one or two references.