Consumer Behaviour (24202) – Assignment Brief

24202 Consumer Behaviour 1 Spring 2018 Consumer Behaviour (24202) – Assignment Brief CONTENTS Consumer Behaviour (24202) – Assignment Brief ………………………………………………………….1 1. Project Overview …………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Project Topic……………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Project Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Referencing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 2. Group Work ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Group Formation………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Equal Work Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Peer Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………3 3. Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 Part 1: Consumer Interviews………………………………………………………………………………….4 Part 2: Advertising Presentation (“The Pitch”)…………………………………………………………4 Part 3: Marketing Handbook………………………………………………………………………………….5 4. Project Timeline…………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Appendix A – Suggested Articles………………………………………………………………………………….8 Appendix B – Group Registration and Contact Form ………………………………………………………9 Appendix C – Peer Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………………………10 Appendix D – Consumer Interview Summary Sheet………………………………………………………12 Appendix E – Advertising Presentation Marking Guide …………………………………………………15 Appendix F – Marketing Handbook Marking Guide………………………………………………………16 24202 Consumer Behaviour 2 Spring 2018 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW The purpose of this project is for you to apply the consumer behaviour topics covered in this course to a real‐world marketing problem. Each student will complete the assignment as part of a group. The assignment comprises 30% of the total marks possible for this subject. The assignment consists of the following three components: (1) Consumer interviews (5% of assignment grade; due week 4). (2) An advertising pitch (30% of assignment grade; due week 8 or 9). (3) A marketing handbook (65% of assignment grade, due week 10). Specific details about the assignment topic as well as each component are detailed in this brief. Project Topic The number of Australians paying for subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services is set to leapfrog pay television in 2018. One of the major players in the Australian marketplace is Stan, which is 50-50 owned by Nine Entertainment and Fairfax Media. Over 2016-17, Stan grew revenue by 260%. Stan now has over 930,000 Australian subscribers and expects to become cash flow positive sometime in 2019. Despite impressive growth, Stan remains small when compared to its biggest rival, Netflix. According to research conducted in 2017, just 21% of Australians use Stan at least once a month and yet 70% of Australians who have heard of Stan but do not use it. By comparison, 57% of Australians use Netflix at least once per month and only 39% have heard of Netflix but do not use it. Considering the marketing related issues faced by Stan, your group’s task is to propose a marketing campaign that can help boost the number of Stan subscribers and increase their market share for SVOD services in Australia. For additional background information, visit the following web-pages:  Online & On Demand 2017: Trends in Australian online viewing habits.  Stan growth gathers pace as streaming service hits $100 million revenue run rate. Project Objectives For the purposes of this assignment, you should consider your group to be a new marketing consultancy firm. Your first client is Stan. Your client has tasked you with writing a marketing “handbook” to address their current marketing problem. A marketing handbook is a guide that can be referred to by a marketing manager when determining how to ensure that their marketing decisions and activities are successful. In writing this marketing handbook, be sure to provide recommendations in regards to:  What is the actual marketing problem and causes of the problem?  What will be the objectives of your marketing campaign?  Who will be your target market?  What will be the key message/idea of the marketing campaign?  Why will this key message/idea change your target audience’s behaviour?  How are you going to communicate this key message to your target audience? Referencing You are expected to conduct secondary research and appropriately reference this research. Beyond your textbook, you should reference at least ten (10) academic journal articles. These 24202 Consumer Behaviour 3 Spring 2018 texts/articles will often be in the form of academic journal articles, which you can access through the library database or Google Scholar. Journals that you may want to specifically consider include: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. In addition, you may also reference work summarized in government or company white papers and research reports. Take care that in-text citations match with your references list. Your in-text citations and reference list should follow Harvard referencing style. A reading list of academic papers is provided in Appendix A as a starting point for you. 2. GROUP WORK The assignment is to be completed within a group. As a group, you will be working very closely all semester and each of you will be required to contribute equally to ensure a professional working relationship is maintained. Please be aware that group members are collectively responsible for the group assignment. You should, therefore, ensure that you have had an opportunity to view the final assignment prior to the final submission. Group Formation In Tutorial 1 (Week 2) students should introduce themselves to each other, with the intention of forming a group of six (6) students within the same tutorial class. Groups must be registered by Week 3 via a completed tutorial group form submitted to their tutor. A copy of this form can be found in Appendix B. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they have joined a group by Week 3. In adverse circumstances, students may be required to work in teams of five or seven, but only if approved by the tutor. Please note that no adjustment to grades will be made on the basis of group size. Further, the earlier you organise yourself, the more likely you are to work effectively as a team. Equal Work Policy This project is to be completed by the group with equal contribution. It is essential that groups manage their group effectively to complete this project. Group members who do an unequal share of the workload may not receive the same grade as others. Groups who feel some members have not contributed equally should report this to their tutor as soon as an issue arises. It is at the discretion of the subject coordinator and tutor to award different marks for students who have not contributed equally or at the same level as their fellow group members. This decision will be made in line with the peer evaluation form. Peer Evaluation In order to encourage equal participation, each group member will submit an evaluation of each of their group members. This evaluation will indicate the percentage contribution of each group member to the group’s overall performance in the assignment. Every student is required to complete one evaluation form. The peer evaluation form should be submitted to your tutor in Tutorial 9 (Week 10). The form can be found in Appendix C. All evidence of unbalanced workload (e.g., emails, Facebook comments, text messages, and etc.) must be attached with the form. No additional information will be accepted afterward. All appeals related to the peer evaluations and redistribution of assignment marks should be reported to the tutor within a week after the announcement of the individual assignment 24202 Consumer Behaviour 4 Spring 2018 marks. If there are issues throughout the semester, please escalate this to your tutor as soon as possible if they cannot be solved. 3. ASSESSMENT The group assignment comprises three assessable components: (1) Consumer interviews. (2) An advertising presentation. (3) A marketing handbook. Part 1: Consumer Interviews (5% of the assignment grade; due Week 4; summaries submitted in your tutorial) To prepare for your marketing handbook, each group member must conduct an in-depth interview with a consumer in your target market segment. Therefore, your group will conduct approximately 6 interviews in total. The interviewee should be familiar with the market in general (i.e., they do not necessarily have to be a current customer of the client). Your goal in the interview is to discover consumers’ attitudes and experience with the market. This will be a great way to understand the general state of the industry, whilst also providing a platform to enable you to generate possible new ideas. To assist you with this task, an interview summary template is provided in Appendix D. Please type your interviewee’s responses using the template. This summary document will be at least two pages of content. Please bring your summary document to Tutorial 3 (Week 4). A discussion of your findings will occur in this tutorial. Clean copies of summaries from all team members should be submitted to your tutor for marking. All team members’ summaries are also to be included as an appendix in your handbook. Please note that handwritten assignments are not permissible and will automatically receive a zero mark. Part 2: Advertising Presentation (“The Pitch”) (30% of the assignment grade; due Week 8 or 9) The purpose of the advertising presentation is to allow you to get creative and go one step beyond your consumer analysis/handbook. Your advertising pitch can be for print, television, website, ambient/outdoor, cinema, or may be an idea for an event, competition, promotion or social media campaign. Groups can act out their advertisement, bring in a mock-up of a website, or a print advertisement, or prerecord video – but they must present it in Week 8 or 9. Each presentation will take less than 5 minutes and should include a brief description of the advertisement’s relevance. It should, in effect, demonstrate your handbook in action. You are encouraged to deliver creative, unique, fun ideas. However, keep in mind that your pitch must be a logical execution of your marketing problem and supported by your consumer behaviour analysis. You should be sure to specify the marketing channel you selected and structure/design/present your work accordingly. During the presentation, consumer behaviour concepts and theories should be briefly but explicitly stated. Appropriate citations should also be included in your presentation. The following are some rules and guidelines for the pitch: 24202 Consumer Behaviour 5 Spring 2018  Each group will present only to the tutor. Please do not enter the tutorial room unless it is the scheduled time for your group’s presentation. If you arrive early, please wait quietly outside the classroom.  After you enter the room, you will have 2 minutes to set up. You will have 5 minutes to present your work. You will have 5 minutes to get feedbacks from the instructor. o The pitch order and schedule will be determined by and announced by the tutor.  There must be at least two presenters but all group members can present. o We highly recommend that every group member attend the pitch to help field questions from the tutor.  Be fully prepared – reading from palm cards, notes, smart phones, laptops, or other prompts during the presentation will lead to a direct 50% reduction on the group marks.  Presenters are encouraged to dress in ‘business casual’ clothing (or perhaps in costume if the nature of your pitch requires it!).  You have the freedom to select the presentation format. It can be a poster, a short video, PowerPoint slides, other formats (such as roleplaying with or without costumes), or a mix of multiple formats. Our experience suggests that you may want to have a set of slides to organize your presentation even if you are using a different format, such as a pre-recorded commercial or roleplaying.  After the presentation, you are encouraged to further improve your handbook based on the given feedback from the tutor. A copy of the marking criteria for the advertising presentation can be found in Appendix E. Part 3: Marketing Handbook (65% of assignment grade; due Week 10; submitted on UTSOnline) Your handbook should be 3,000 words maximum (excluding cover page, table of contents, references, and appendices; there is no buffer on this maximum). It is expected that approximately 2,000 words will refer to the group’s theoretical understanding of consumer behaviour, which in turn should be used to propose appropriate recommendations and guide sound conclusions. Assignments that are longer than the prescribed limit will be penalised by 10% of the handbook’s total mark. Here is the required structure of the handbook:  Title page: o This page should include the title of the handbook, and full names and student ID numbers for all team members. o This page should also state the number of words (excluding cover page, table of contents, references, and appendices).  Table of contents.  The marketing problem: o You should briefly outline the key marketing problem(s). Identifying examples of the problem may help you focus your problem (e.g., recent media articles/promotions/campaigns). Please do not simply repeat the problem on the assignment brief. An in-depth understanding of the problem should be briefly discussed in this part.  Consumer behaviour issues and analysis: o You should identify the specific consumer behaviour issues that are relevant to the marketing problem. It is important to be quite specific in your problem 24202 Consumer Behaviour 6 Spring 2018 definition (e.g., are the issues related to internal factors such as consumer attitudes or perception, decision making, or external factors such as social influences?). o You should apply concepts, models, and theories have been discussed during the semester. Use these concepts to study, understand, and explain the issues.  Recommendations: o Be sure to clearly describe and link the marketing recommendations that you would make based on your analysis of relevant consumer behaviour theories. For example, how would you communicate your key message given what you know about your target audience’s motivation and current attitudes? What methods of communication/engagement do you propose? How would you promote your product/brand/store chain given the level of involvement your target market has in the decision‐making process? o Your recommendations might include, but are not limited to:  Positioning, targeting, segmentation.  Message: should the message be educational in focus, should the communications be very abstract and novel, perhaps super technical, or something else?  Provide suggestions for your creative ideas (e.g. television, print media, social media network activities), including argumentation supporting your suggestions. o Remember, groups will differ in their recommendations. Your recommendations should naturally be based on your consumer analysis. Thus, it is better to be specific and focus on addressing your marketing problem, than simply creating many creative, but irrelevant or off‐topic solutions.  Conclusions.  References: o Be sure to cite at least ten academic articles. See Appendix A for a starting point.  Appendices: o Include your interview summaries. A copy of the marking criteria for the marketing handbook can be found in Appendix F. 4. PROJECT TIMELINE Below is a calendar overview of your expected progression through the group project. Week Activity Week 1-2 Thoroughly read the ‘Assignment Brief’ document. Week 3 Groups must finalise group formation and submit the ‘group registration’ form to their tutor. Groups must sign up for their advertisement presentation week. Past handbooks will be shown in tutorials for students’ reference. Week 4 Each group must bring their interview summaries to their allocated tutorial for in-tutorial discussions and submit a clean copy to the tutor for marking. Week 8 Advertising ‘Pitch’ Presentation I. Week 9 Advertising ‘Pitch’ Presentation II. 24202 Consumer Behaviour 7 Spring 2018 Week 10 Marketing handbook due (10pm, 2 October 2018) – must be uploaded on UTSOnline/Turnitin. Students must also submit a paper-based copy of the handbook and their individual peer-evaluation forms to their tutor as well. Week 12 Students receive feedback on group assignments. Appendix A – Suggested Articles The following articles are a good starting point for your reading. However, you should also conduct your own search to find more relevant articles to support your arguments. Remember, you should cite at least 10 relevant academic articles in your handbook.  Batra, R. and Keller, K.L., 2016. Integrating marketing communications: New findings, new lessons, and new ideas. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), pp.122-145.  Baxendale, S., Macdonald, E.K. and Wilson, H.N., 2015. The impact of different touchpoints on brand consideration. Journal of Retailing, 91(2), pp.235-253.  Datta, H., Foubert, B. and Van Heerde, H.J., 2015. The challenge of retaining customers acquired with free trials. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), pp.217- 234.  Risselada, H., Verhoef, P.C. and Bijmolt, T.H., 2014. Dynamic effects of social influence and direct marketing on the adoption of high-technology products. Journal of Marketing, 78(2), pp.52-68.  Rubinson, J., 2009. Empirical evidence of TV advertising effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 49(2), pp. 220-226.  Wayne, M.L., 2018. Netflix, Amazon, and branded television content in subscription video on-demand portals. Media, Culture & Society, 40(5), pp.725-741. 24202 Consumer Behaviour 9 Spring 2018 Appendix B – Group Registration and Contact Form This form must be physically submitted to your tutor, in class, by the end of Week 3’s tutorial. You must work in groups of 6 (six). Please note that, at a later date, the CB Team may be required to add/delete members to/from your group. Step 1: Form a Group Step 2: Indicate a Preferred Advertising Pitch Week Circle your group’s preferred advertising pitch week: Week 8 Week 9 Please note that your tutor cannot guarantee your preference but will try to best accommodate all requests. Step 3: Complete Group Member Details Each group member should retain a copy of this form as a contact sheet. Full Name Student ID Email (UTS email address)* Phone 24202 Consumer Behaviour 10 Spring 2018 Appendix C – Peer Evaluation Form Please note that if you believe that not all members of the group have contributed fairly to this assignment then you should select “Option B” on the form and you must also attach a statement with evidence (e.g., email exchanges, Facebook comments, and etc.) explaining:  Why you believe a group member has not contributed their fair share to the project.  A breakdown of tasks you and others have completed in the project.  An estimate of the time you think each of those tasks has taken.  Any other positive or negative contributions made by you and others. Evidence must be attached with the peer evaluation form, and no additional evidence will be accepted after you submit this form. Any report without evidence will be invalid thus ignored by the teaching group. Please note that the information that you submit may be shown to other group members so that they have an opportunity to respond. While each group member’s comments will be taken into consideration, the final decision on how the marks are awarded will remain the right of the teaching staff. The peer evaluation form can be found on the next page. 24202 Consumer Behaviour 11 Spring 2018 In order to encourage equal participation by all group members, each group member should submit a peer evaluation form. This evaluation will indicate the percentage contribution of each group member to the assignment. Every student is required to complete one evaluation form. These forms should be submitted personally to your tutor in Tutorial 9 (Week 10). If you fail to submit a form, it will be assumed that you would have chosen Option A: Balanced Workload below. Your name: __________________________________________ Your group code: __________________________________________ Your tutor’s name: __________________________________________ Your tutorial time: __________________________________________ Now please complete either Option A or Option B below (please do not complete both). Option A: Balanced Workload I believe that all members of the group have contributed fairly to this assignment, and each member should receive the same mark for the assignment. Your Signature: __________________________________________ Option B: Unbalanced Workload I believe that not all members of the group have contributed fairly to this assignment, and each member should receive a different mark for the assignment. I believe the proportion of the total workload that each member contributed is indicated below. Your Signature: __________________________________________ Name of each group member % Proportion of workload Me ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% TOTAL = 100% Please attach evidence to support your indicated distribution of workload. 24202 Consumer Behaviour 12 Spring 2018 Appendix D – Consumer Interview Summary Sheet Consumer interviews must be submitted to your tutor during Tutorial 3 (Week 4). Please also bring a copy for in-tutorial discussion. Please note that handwritten assignments are not permissible and will automatically receive a zero mark. Questions about you:  What is your name and SID?  What is your tutorial time and who is your tutor? Questions to the respondent:  What is your gender?  What is your age? Questions to the respondent about watching video-on-demand (VOD):  Where do you watch VOD (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Plus7, 9Now, Netflix, Stan, iTunes, Ozflix, others, etc.)?  How many hours per week do you watch VOD?  Where do you watch VOD (e.g., home, work, while travelling, other, etc.)?  How do you watch VOD (e.g., TV, phone, laptop, other, etc.)?  Who do you watch VOD with (e.g., alone, friends, family, other, etc.)?  When do you tend to watch VOD (e.g., morning, evening, while eating dinner, while waiting for a bus, other, etc.)? 24202 Consumer Behaviour 13 Spring 2018  What factors influence what you choose to watch on VOD services (e.g., friends, family, advertising, online reviews, personalities/bloggers, other, etc.)? Questions to the respondent about subscription video-on-demand:  Where have you or would you search for information about SVOD services?  What percentage of videos that you watch are from SVOD sources (vs. free-to-air broadcast TV vs. broadcast catch-up [e.g., Plus7, 9Now] vs. ad-based VOD [e.g., YouTube, Facebook], vs. transactional VOD [e.g., iTunes, Ozflix])?  Have you ever purchased subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services? If yes, please list what services you bought?  How often do you use SVOD services? If more than one, what is the percentage split?  What sort of content do you watch via SVOD or would watch if you had the service (e.g., dramas, sci-fi, documentaries, comedy stand-up)?  What sort of content do you wish SVOD services had more of?  What factors do you think are most important in the decision to get SVOD (e.g., convenience, price-point, content)? o Tip: Use the laddering technique to prompt the consumer to tell you the key benefits/values that they associate with those factors. First, ask them to name an important attribute of the brand, and then ask them why it is important to them that the brand has that attribute. After they answer, ask them why it is important to them that they get that benefit, and so on, until you’ve found out a higher-level, more-abstract motivation (e.g., self-esteem, peace of mind, safety) underlying their preference for the attribute. 24202 Consumer Behaviour 14 Spring 2018 Questions to the respondent about Stan (and its biggest rival, Netflix):  Have you heard of Netflix? If yes, how did you hear about them and what do you know about them? Please describe your general image of this brand.  Have you heard of Stan? If yes, how did you hear about them and what do you know about them? Please describe your general image of this brand.  Have you ever had a subscription to Netflix? If yes, what was your experience like? Are there any things you do not like about Netflix in general? o Tip: Try and get the respondent to share insights about the brand in general and also what they think of the actual products, target market, price, brand image, etc.  Have you ever had a subscription to Stan? If yes, what was your experience like? Are there any things you do not like about Stan in general? o Tip: Try and get the respondent to share insights about the brand in general and also what they think of the actual products, target market, price, brand image, etc.  Please describe your image of the average consumer who purchases Netflix.  Please describe your image of the average consumer who purchases Stan.  Do you know the rough price range of Netflix and Stan? What do you think about the price? What would be the appropriate price for services like these?  What are the main advantages you see Stan as having compared to Netflix, if any? 24202 Consumer Behaviour 15 Spring 2018 Appendix E – Advertising Presentation Marking Guide Tutorial Time: _________________ Group Code: ________________ Presentation Week: ________________ Criteria Mark Quality of the ideas and overall creativity. / 25 Demonstration of your understanding of your marketing problem. / 25 Ability to demonstrate why the advertisement/creative idea would work for the marketing problem with reference to consumer behaviour theory / 25 High quality, well-rehearsed, entertaining presentation, kept to the time / 25 Did the presenters read from palm cards, notes, smartphones, laptops, or other prompts during the presentation? Yes / No Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Final Mark: _____/ 100 24202 Consumer Behaviour 16 Spring 2018 Appendix F – Marketing Handbook Marking Guide Tutorial Time: _________________ Group Code: ________________ Grade F (0-49.5%) P (50-64.5%) C (65-74.5%) D (75-84.5%) HD (85-100%) Mark Quality and scope of sources (20%) You fail to present a wellreasoned handbook and/or do not have sufficient depth in your choice of academic literature (<5). The reference list doesn’t match with the in-text citations. Mark: 0.0 – 9.9 You present a well-reasoned handbook from a variety of sources including some academic literature (<10 and >5). The reference list matches with the in-text citations. Mark: 10.0 – 12.9 You demonstrate an understanding of material from a variety of sources. You utilise some relevant academic literature (=10). The reference list matches with the in-text citations. Mark: 13.0 – 14.9 You demonstrate an understanding of material from a wide variety of quality sources. You utilises a variety of the relevant academic literature (>10). You make some attempt to critique the literature. The reference list matches with the in-text citations. Mark: 15.0 – 16.9 You demonstrate an in-depth understanding of material from a wide variety of high-quality sources. You utilise a variety of the relevant academic literature (>10). You critique the literature. The reference list matches with the in-text citations. Mark: 17.0 – 20.0 / 20 Demonstrates an understanding of consumer behaviour theory (30%) You fail to make sufficient reference to consumer behaviour theory and/or fail to demonstrate an ability to identify which are relevant to the assignment. Mark: 0.0 – 14.9 You make reference to some relevant consumer behaviour theories in the handbook. You demonstrate some knowledge of consumer behaviour theory Mark: 15.0 – 19.4 Consumer behaviour theory is applied throughout the handbook. You make some reference to relevant theories correctly supported by your references. You demonstrate an understanding of consumer behaviour in developing your material. Mark: 19.5 – 22.4 Consumer behaviour theory is correctly applied throughout the handbook. You make reference to relevant theories which are correctly supported by your references. You demonstrate an ability to analyse information in developing your material Mark: 22.5 – 24.9 Consumer behaviour theory is correctly applied throughout the handbook. You make reference to multiple, relevant theories correctly supported by your references. You demonstrate an ability to synthesis information in developing your material. Mark: 25.0 – 30.0 / 30 Relevance and application of theory to practice (30%) You fail to demonstrate an ability to apply theory to practice. You either fail to or present an insufficient analysis of your chosen marketing problem. Mark: 0.0 – 14.9 Your handbook demonstrates very limited ability to apply theory to practice. You present an analysis of your chosen marketing problem. Mark: 15.0 – 19.4 Your handbook demonstrates limited ability to apply theory to practice. You present an analysis of your chosen marketing problem. The handbook would be of some use to a practitioner. Mark: 19.5 – 22.4 Your handbook demonstrates an ability to apply theory to practice. You present a detailed analysis of your chosen marketing problem. The handbook would be of immediate use to a practitioner. Mark: 22.5 – 24.9 Your handbook demonstrates your ability to apply theory to practice. You present an in-depth analysis of your chosen marketing problem. The handbook would be of immediate use to a practitioner. Mark: 25.0 – 30.0 / 30 Clarity and presentation of the handbook (20%) You fail to present a wellstructured handbook. There are spelling and grammatical errors (>7). The sections do not flow and are internally inconsistent. Mark: 0.0 – 9.9 Your handbook demonstrates little creativity. In the main your work is clear and logical. There are few spelling or grammatical errors (<7, >3). The flow is average and the structure makes sense to the reader. Mark: 10.0 – 12.9 Your handbook demonstrates some creativity. In the main your work is clear and logical. It looks professional with no more than three spelling or grammatical errors. The flow is good and the structure makes sense to the reader. Mark: 13.0 – 14.9 Your handbook demonstrates some creativity in its presentation. Your work is clear and logical. It looks professional with no spelling or grammatical errors. It is moderately cohesive because it is internally consistent and the structure allows the sections to flow. Mark: 15.0 – 16.9 Your handbook creative in its presentation. Your work is clear and logical. It looks professional with no spelling or grammatical errors. It is cohesive because it is internally consistent and the structure allows the sections to flow. Mark: 17.0 – 20.0 / 20 More than 3,000 words? Yes / No 24202 Consumer Behaviour 17 Spring 2018 Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Final Mark: _____/ 100