Corporate Essay

Corporate Habit Essay “We’ll be sending you coupons for things you want before you even know you want them.” Andrew Pole, Target data expert (qtd. in Duhigg 212) You’ve read how corporations take advantage of habits. You’ve researched and written about a company or product that takes advantage of habits. Now write an essay explaining how this movement or product utilizes “Habit theory” found in Charles Duhigg’s book. Essentially you are informing your audience of the ways a corporation takes advantage of habits to initiate change or make money, respectively. Focus on concepts described in Chapter 7 of The Power of Habit: data mining, taking advantage of life-altering events to change habits, and simple tricks that take advantage of human psychology. Assignment parameters: –typed, double spaced, 1,000-1,400 words — at least two direct quotes from the text The Power of Habit –at least two direct quotes from another source — parenthetically cite the sources –include a works cited page at the end of your paper From the Power of Habit. My topic is about Amazon