Corporate Social Responsibility


It is the responsibility of the Flotation Therapy & SPA to make the act of citizenship to be its core business. Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self regulation, governing and control that is integrated in the organization systems and processes in order to ensure that the affairs of the surrounding community are at the heart of the business model. As the Flotation Therapy & SPA effort to reduce its impact on the environment on its core business there is need for ethical conduct by the service providers (Ali, 2014). It is the role of the service providers in the SPA to ensure that they provide tailored care to their clients while at the same being delicate to the environmental balance. The service providers should endeavor to support environmental sustainability through water conservation and use of the towels. In order for the Flotation Therapy & SPA to enhance corporate social responsibility in its core business there is need for the service providers to observe perfect energy efficiency, prevent water wastage and do away with the unique habits. The role of this work is to illustrate how Flotation Therapy & SPA might enhance corporate social responsibility in its processes and systems.

Preventing water wastage

Sustainable waste management systems and water conservation are equal efforts in Flotation Therapy & SPA in provision or reliable, effective and efficient relaxation services. The SPA management is committed in improvement of its water management systems in installing water flow restrictors in the floatation tank. The adoption of the floatation tank by the SPA has been the greatest achievement in ensuring water conservation while at the same time providing optimal relaxation and recreation services. The machine has enabled the SPA save water that was previously wasted while washing, cleaning the clients and the towels (Carter, 2010). The Flotation Therapy & SPA strongly believe on technological improvement and observe it as the only best solution in providing high quality recreating and relaxation services to its client while at the same time conserving the environment through water conservation. It is the main reason for the organization using the flotation tank to provide recreation and relaxation services to the client because the machine shall ensure that water is used appropriately without wastages.

The floatation tank shall play a critical role in water conservation and more so the corporate social responsibility because the tank shall ensure that 525kg of Epsom Salt shall be mixed with water to create a solution of 1000 liters. The scientific nature of the solution would enable the service providers to use little water while providing relaxation and recreation services to the clients. The solution manufactured through the use of Epsom Salt and water is part of water conservation and the organization corporate social responsibility because the organization understands Kuwait to be a desert country where water is very scarce (Cameron, 2015). Therefore, coming up with strategies in which little water shall be used in providing recreation and relaxation services to the client would be a mile ahead for the community and the organization in observing corporate social responsibility. The SPA believes in the policy of “catch a drop” as part of conserving the environment and ensuring corporate social responsibility. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been in the forefront to train its service providers, clients and community the importance of water conservation through decreased water use in the process of relaxation and recreation. The use of the Floatation Machine has assisted the company in being in the forefront in maintain corporate social responsibility as the machine has eliminated some environmental endangering processes of air and water pollution as the machine has the capability of heating the water to be used by the clients.

The floatation tank has the potential to provide both recreation and relaxation services to the patients using water and air. The tank has been in the forefront in regard to the corporate social responsibility because it has enabled both the service providers and the Flotation Therapy & SPA to provide safe water to be used by the clients, better sanitation to the client who seek recreation and relaxation services from the institution and ensuring quality services to the client hence fundamentally eliminating the contagious infections associated with poor quality services and use of contaminated water (Carter, 2010). The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been at the center of the corporate social responsibility in providing both medical and social responsibilities to the Kuwait community. The use of flotation water tank by the Flotation Therapy & SPA has assisted the injured in the community in speeding up the recovery of injuries, reduce risks of future injuries, enable the body to release endorphins, reduced blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen consumption and pulse rate.

The provision of well being and health related services by the Flotation Therapy & SPA has basically led to brighter future for the athletes and the injured in the community. The use of flotation tank that has reduced the financial burden in providing treatment services for the athletes and the injured in the community (Carter, 2010). As a social amenity the Flotation Therapy & SPA continue to provide employment and career development for the community as some of the youths in the community are employed in the facility to provide services to their community.

Perfecting energy efficiency

It has been the effort of the Flotation Therapy & SPA to minimize water wastage and carbon emission in the environment. Through the purchase of the Floatation tank into the organization the Spa has been in the forefront in reducing energy consumption while heating water and while providing recreation and relaxation services to its clients.  The implementation of the floatation tank has been the organization strategy of ensuring energy efficiency in its processes and systems. The use of the floatation tank has eliminated some of the process of water heating and disposal which will basically lead to environmental pollution. The floatation tank has the potential to heat water and to regulate the water temperature according to the individual body temperature (Rose, 2008). The best side of the floatation tank is that it does not emit carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere which can be dangerous to the environment. The use of Floatation tank remains the Flotation Therapy & SPA commitment in reducing energy consumption by about 3% every year. The heating system has basically been made greener through the installation of the solar photovoltaic system which will power the Floatation tank for heating and regulating the temperature of the water according to the client’s body temperature. The Floatation tank has reduced the use of towels in providing relaxation and recreation services to the clients. The use of towels in the Flotation Therapy & SPA has been a tedious process because it led to water and time wastage. The  Flotation tank has reduced both the water used in cleaning the clients while providing the relaxation and recreation services to the clients and the water used for cleaning the towels used for cleaning and drying the clients. The use of the flotation tank has been the greatest achievement for the Flotation Therapy & SPA in its effort towards corporate social responsibility because it has been able to conserve water, cost and time used by the company purchasing water for cleaning the towels and clients.

The Flotation Therapy & SPA understand that it has a corporate social responsibility in ensuring that the society lives a healthy and standard lifestyle. The SPA believes in a healthy community since it would be economically active. The healthy community would be a big source of profit for the SPA. The Floatation tank would assist the Flotation Therapy & SPA in maintaining and providing the social responsibility to the community while at the same time reducing water and energy wastage through regulators (Young, 2011). The Flotation tank has the potential to reduce water wastage, to heat the water to required levels and to reduce water wastage through the use of chemicals which clean and recycle the used water. The use of the flotation tank by the Flotation Therapy & SPA as part of energy conservation has been a great step towards encouraging the community the need for energy conservation in the community. The community has been in the forefront in sensitizing the client and the community the various ways of reducing energy and water wastage in their daily activities. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been a role model in educating the community the importance of changing our cultures in order to conserve energy while at the same time conserving the environment.

Saving unique habitats and habits

Flotation Therapy & SPA has made a great effort in the purchase of the floatation tank which will eventually eliminate the tedious process of providing recreation and relation services in the SPA through high volumes of water and drying those using towels. The need to be at par with the advancement in technology has been the role of the Flotation Therapy & SPA (Cameron, 2015). The traditional ways of providing recreation and relaxation services have basically been eliminated through the use of the Flotation tank which puts the needs and desires of the community at heart. Previously, the services provided in the SPA institutions only aimed at relaxation but the adoption of the flotation tank has basically change the functions of the SPA in the community.

The use of the Flotation Tank has transformed the social believe of the community that they are only meant for the high class community in the society. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been in the forefront in providing quality, affordable and reliable recreational and relaxation services to the community (Fuso, 2013). The motivation has encouraged many people in the community suffering from different physical and psychological challenges to seek for services from the SPA. Basically, the Flotation Therapy & SPA and the flotation tank in the SPA have changed the playing ground as far as social and medical ground is concerned.  The SPA has been providing the psychological services to the depressed individuals in the society and they have been able to cope up with their mood swings. The service providers in the Flotation Therapy & SPA has been trained on how to provide the quality of service to provided to the clients in order to ensure that they are motivated to continue seeking the recreation and relaxation services from the SPA.


Flotation Therapy & SPA is committed in water conservation as part of its overall environmental conservation and sustainability. The commitment to corporate social responsibility has put the company on a path of more meaningful responsibility of respecting and supporting the community through provision of high quality recreational and relaxation services and provision of competitive employment for the community. The Flotation Therapy & SPA appreciate and acknowledge the strength of the community and responsible treatment of the environment because both of these parties have positive impact as far as the business operation, prosperity and security is concerned.


Ali, D. (2014). Environmental conservation and responsibility in health care services. Oxford University Publishers.

Cameron, A. (2015). Centara Hotels & Resorts Corporate Social Responsibility. 5th Edition. Harvard university Press.

Carter, D. (2010). Excellent and Luxury Hotels Services: Corporate Social Responsibility. New York Publishers.

Fuso, K. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility among health and recreational organizations. New York Publishers.

Rose, H. (2008) Water Saving Tips & sustainable initiative. United States medical and health related Journal. Vol.3(1), 22-34.

Young, O. (2011). Flotation Therapy & SPA: Recreation and relaxation health services. Cambridge university press.