Corporate Social Responsibility: Response to project Questions

The principles:

Principle of institutional legitimacy

Yes, the cloud storage technology will be well received by the company because of the ability to store more documents at ease and ensure fast retrieval in the future.

Principle of public responsibility

Losing significant business documents and information is a huge risk. With the new cloud storage technology, the organization will save itself from the risks of losing essential documents making the benefit of this technology greater than its risk.

Principle of managerial discretion

Is my work and behaviour ethical and socially responsible?

My behavior is evidently socially and ethically responsible because the new cloud storage technology would benefit not only the business but employees as well. Although this project will cost higher amounts of resources, I am sure there will be full accountability of where resources have been channeled.

The processes:

Environmental assessment

Because every project presently should meet sustainability standards, I believe I have the right questions that needed to be addressed. Our team ensured that before implementation, we designed effective management techniques that will make energy use low and reducing the number of dangerous emissions into the atmosphere.

Stakeholder management

Have I asked the right questions of the right people?

In every business, before introducing a new concept or technology, the whole procedure must first be approved by the right stakeholders. In every implementation process, I made sure that every step was approved before getting to a final decision. Together with the stakeholders with the help of questions, we have managed to discuss the project in detail and included each employee’s concern to the new changes.

Issues management

Every project manager or team leader must identify projects drawbacks before implementation. In identifying the drawbacks in a project, it is advisable to design a risk management plan which enables you to create a framework that would help you deal with the risks. For me, I had created a high level risk management plan that would not only help me in mitigating project drawbacks but also present me with the chance to correct and overcome the risks (Klassen & Vereecke 2012)

The outcomes:

Social Impacts

Many companies are adopting the new cloud storage technique for the purpose of safe storage and easy future retrieval. This software means no further storage of documents in hard copies but soft copied which are not easy to lose and can be stored for longer terms without forging, getting lost, or getting burnt in the event of fire. Therefore, this software has proven to be highly beneficial to the business.

Social programs

Before implementing the new software, our team has done its best to ensure the new technology meets all the required legislation and law compliances to avoid problems with the law.

Social policies

Knowledge is not best when it helps you alone. Knowledge is beneficial when it creates a difference in your life and the life of others. With this belief, I have always developed a culture of using my knowledge to an extent where it can benefit those around me. For this reason, I always help people to have an increased understanding of we do and who we are in order to have a positive repute as indicated by Parmigiani et al (2011)