Corporate Turn around and Business Transformations

Using the below Concepts to be used in writing the assignment:
– Kotter and Change Management (incl. Kotter Eight Steps)
– The 4 primary business practices as per HBR article by Nohira et al.
– The 4 I’s model of non-market environment
– Mckinsey’s 7S model

Here is the assignment description:

The purpose of the formal coursework is to give students the opportunity to apply their learning from the course to a new example, and to think in a critical and comparative way about the case material presented in the course.
For this course you are required to submit ONE individual assignment (weighted at 100%). The word limit is 4,000 words, including tables, figures, and diagrams, and excluding appendices, footnotes, and references..
Examine the challenges faced by Capita PLC. The firm faces a challenging future; its share price dropped by roughly 90% between mid-2015 and April 2018; it has recently hired turnaround specialist Jon Lewis to transform the organization.
• Outline the reasons which have led to Capita’s situation, drawing on relevant academic theory. (35% of mark)
• Evaluate the efforts made thus far (up to the end of May 2018) to achieve a turnaround. You can make reference to developments after this date, but you should concentrate your analysis on the story up to the date specified. You should use ideas from the course to illuminate your analysis. (30% of mark)
• What further actions could be taken to transform the firm? Again, take the position as if you were making your proposals at the end of May 2018 (note your proposed actions would concern a period after this date: e.g. you might make proposals for actions to be taken over the following two years). If your proposals include selling or breaking up the firm, your discussion should include actions that should be taken subsequently by the purchaser(s). (35% of mark)