Counseling Adolescents and adults with Eating Disorders

Create a proposal including a title page, a paragraph or two describing what you intend to put in the paper, and at least 6 scholarly sources (in APA style as a reference page) that you hope to use in the paper is due. The instructions for the paper are below as a guide for the proposal. Please read the information below as it will help construct the proposal. The topic is Counseling Adolescents and adults with Eating Disorders.. This is a Paper Proposal (Developmental Issues and Counseling)
Please read below to better understand proposal.

Each student will complete an 8-10 page paper focused on counseling individuals dealing with a particular issue (e.g., depression or anxiety) at two different ages in the lifespan. For instance, your paper might be titled “Dealing with depression in teens and older adults”. A proposal including a title, a paragraph or two describing what you intend to put in the paper, and at least 6 scholarly sources (in APA style as a reference page) that you hope to use in the paper is due by the end of the second week of class and is worth up to 25 points.

You will also submit an abstract of your paper that is 150-250 words. The abstract will give a general summary of the paper. You will read 3-4 of the articles you selected and synthesize that information into your abstract.

The final paper needs to include a 4-5 page literature review of the topic. The literature review should include counseling and developmental theories related to the topic – the theories can be cited from the text. The paper needs to include 3-4 pages of tips for how counselors or family members can deal with that issue in that population. Each tip should be discussed in at least 2 paragraphs. The final, and relatively brief, section of the paper should be a description of how dealing with clients at these different developmental stages is distinct. Each section of the paper (literature review, tips, and developmental stages) must be labeled to identify the different sections. All papers must include a minimum of 10 scholarly sources (not textbooks, websites, Wikipedia, magazines, newspapers, or sources that rely on others’ research) properly cited within the paper and listed on the reference page in APA format. Other sources may be used beyond the 10 scholarly sources. In APA format, only the sources that are actually cited in the paper should be on the reference page. Scholarly sources are generally defined as reports, articles or chapters that report on original research – usually journal articles, but might be books or chapters in books if they are based on original research. Scholarly sources typically do not include texts that focus on secondary sources (for example, textbooks are not considered scholarly because they only cite research from other studies – not original research.