The Criminal Identification system

Your assignment is to read Chapter 3 , The Criminal Identification System and also view the attached videos , which give a clear picture of the various systems investigators use to identify suspects. Attached is the chapter readings

#1 What is Anthropometry and who developed it?

#2 List and briefly describe the three types of fingerprints that can be found at a crime scene.

#3 Why does every individual have a unique set of fingerprints and how are fingerprints formed?

#4 Describe what Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is and who discovered it.

#5 What is the value of Familial DNA and how do Police Investigators use it when attempting to solve a crime ?

#6 Based on your readings so far, and in your opinion what type of identification system fingerprints or DNA is more easily found?

#7 a) List and the five main roles of DNA in a Police Investigation.

b) List and describe the three ways Police can legally obtain a DNA sample from a possible suspect.

#8 What is IAFIS and SAFIS and what agency is responsible for it?

#9 What are the two parts of Forensic Crime Laboratories? What are their functions?

#10 List and explain the three reasons why obtaining fingerprints on a firearm is difficult.


Dactylography (FINGERPRINTS)

Where do Fingerprints come from?

Why are Fingerprints Unique?

DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid

What is a Gene?