Critical Appraisal Skills for Professional Practice

A 6000-word literature review project, which critically analyses and evaluates one aspect of professional practice relevant to Nursing.

You are required to:

  1. i)  Build on skills, knowledge and understanding gained in the previous courses, and demonstrate the ability to critically examine and evaluate literature relevant to your own area of professional practice.
  2. ii)  Demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes and critiquing skills throughout the review and present the findings in a critical, coherent and structured manner.
  3. iii)  Develop and utilise information and communication technology in order to maintain an understanding of recent innovations and developments in care
  4. iv)  Based on evidence outlined, evaluate professional practice in the context of multi professional and client centred care in order to identify professional, legal and ethical implications.

Your project will be marked against the Level 6 grading criteria.


Page Numbering

Pages should be numbered, 1 onwards from first page of text (after abstract), in the centre and at the foot of each page and should continue to the end, including appendices.

Paper size and spacing

A4 paper to be used, typed on one side only,
Reference list- please ensure line spacing between references; Appendices- single line spacing if possible.

There should be

  1. a)  A title page, which contains the title of the review, the student’s I D number, the degree for which the project is submitted and the date of submission, word count, University of Greenwich, Faculty of Education and Health
  2. b)  An abstract of no more than 200 words (not included in word limit) which includes an outline of the topic reviewed, the scope of the review in terms of breadth of the literature search, a summary of the main issues addressed and arising, conclusions drawn and recommendations for further investigation, and practice development.
  3. c)  Acknowledgements to organisations, funding bodies (if appropriate), supervisors, advisors and others who have contributed to the review.
  4. d)  A table of contents with chapter headings and sub-headings, references, and appendices.
  5. e)  The main review, divided into appropriate chapters, references, and appendices (see below).

The following chapters should be included:

Chapter 1. Introduction

This section should outline the rationale, aims and objectives of the review. Background information to the topic reviewed should be provided. The topic/question should be clearly introduced and set within the theoretical / philosophical context of your area of study. For example, how does it relate to the degree studies you are undertaking? Why is it necessary to undertake the review? Key writers in the field must be included to provide a contextual background for your review

The aims and objectives for your review must be clearly stated.

Parameters set for the literature search should be explained (e.g. time limits relating to the year of publication of the papers reviewed, and language limitations relating to the search, databases searched, key words used and hits achieved).

N.B –Allocate approximately 200 words to the parameter section of this chapter

Key search terms used (and where relevant MESH terms), including combinations should be identified; the databases searched, and number of hits achieved should be provided. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for the studies considered for the review should also be identified. (This can be tabulated and placed within the appendices if required).

(Chapter 1 – approximately 1000 words)


Chapter 2. Critical Review of the Literature

This chapter should be organised according to the themes. Such themes should emerge from the primary research gathered for your review and should be discussed individually. In order to make this manageable it is likely that you will have a minimum of two and a maximum of 3 themes or trends; where more themes emerged, you will discuss this in your introduction and give a rationale for why you’ve chosen the themes selected for discussion.

When discussing your themes, you will necessarily make reference to the studies you selected for inclusion in your review. However, you should also draw on wider literature to determine whether the same themes/trends are apparent – this helps you to demonstrate that you are able to synthesise and apply your knowledge.

Relevant research-based evidence should be described and critically discussed. The quality of the discussion is particularly important. You should attempt a critical analysis, which is both coherent and balanced.

You are required to demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes by clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses of methodologies/approaches used by authors whose work have been reviewed.

The chapter should end with a summary

(Chapter 2. approximately 4000 words).

Chapter 3. Conclusion

Your conclusion should begin by summarising the key issues that led to the review and the themes that arose. Based on your discussion in chapter two, you should now be able to draw some overall conclusions within the context of your professional practice. Implications and recommendations for future practice should also be identified. The limitation of the review needs to be acknowledged.

(Chapter 3. approximately 1000 words).



All materials must be correctly and completely referenced according to accepted Faculty of Education and Health referencing system.

Appendices -Must include:

1- A matrix which provides an overview of individual research papers reviewed.
2- Supervision record of contact time with your allocated supervisor.
3-Your presentation slides

4-Any material pertinent to, but not immediately necessary to the review, may be included as an appendix (but be sparing).