Critical Review Paper

Critical Review Paper

This paper entails the analysis of a published research article drawn from a public administration or related journal.  It should be 5 to 7 pages in length (11 or 12 pt fonts, double spaced, 1-inch margins).

This paper should have a recognizable Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  It should have an identifiable argument or thesis statement that provides the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s perspective on the article being reviewed.  To help with the analysis of the published paper being reviewed, students should focus on the following questions:

1)      What was the research question, or questions, that the researcher(s) set out to answer?

2)      What type of research design was used?  Was it appropriate for the research question or questions?

3)      How strong was the research design in terms of internal validity?  Did the design allow for unambiguous conclusions?  Defend your answer through examining this study in terms of threats to internal validity.

4)      What were the variables that were used to answer the research question?  How were they measured?  What did the authors offer to convince you that their measures were reliable and valid?

5)      Assess the external validity of the study.  Specifically, what characteristics of the study support its generalizability?  What characteristics limit its generalizability?

6)      All things considered, how well did the authors support their conclusions with data?  How clear were the authors with the weaknesses and limitations of their study?

7)      How could a public administrator use the results of this study to improve their practice?  Why should a public administrator use research results this way?


The paper will be graded on the basis of the following criteria matrix:

Understanding concepts, ideas and Information: (20%)
Examples, analogies, comparisons/contrasts; link theory & practice; synthesis; coherence (10%)
Demonstrating critical thinking (15%)
Reasoning (20%)
Writing: (10%)
Clearly explicates a main argument or thesis (25%)
Bonus for Originality and/or Exceptional Quality: (10%)