Critically evaluate the Australia – Indonesia Trade Relationship

Essay question 1

Briefly discuss the different exchange rate systems. Evaluate the current exchange rate system of your own country. [Word limit: Maximum 1000 words including tables, figures and references – 15 marks]

Essay question 2

Critically evaluate the Australia-Indonesia trade relationship. Identify the potential sectors where extended trade is possible. Justify your answer. [Word limit: Maximum 1000 words including tables, figures and references – 15 marks]


  1. All written answers must be expressed in the student’s own words, except where appropriate acknowledgement is provided. Direct quotes or close paraphrasing should not comprise more than 10 percent of the word count. There are penalties for plagiarism and collusion (please refer to the ‘Detection and consequences of plagiarism’ available at < >).
  2. Wherever material from other authors is directly quoted you are to – not only use quotation marks but you are required to display the quoted material in italics as well.
  3. It is required to support your findings and argument with the work of other authors. Referencing is critical to the earning of a good mark in this assignment and the Harvard AGPS referencing system should be adopted.

Marking criteria for assignment 2

Area of assessment:

Physical presentation: word length, grammar and structure (spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction, expression) 15% marks
Introduction and conclusion: (e.g. clear identification/definition of topic and key terms and ‘does the conclusion appropriately address matters raised in the introduction?’) 20% marks
Research effort: extent and use of relevant materials, appropriate referencing 15% marks
Research and analysis: relevant points, critical analysis, arguments 50% marks