You are to critically evaluate the substance of a scholarly criminal justice article. In this assignment, you will carefully read the content of a scholarly article and make your own assessments about the merits of the research and the argument.

You are to critically evaluate the substance of a scholarly criminal justice article. In this assignment, you will carefully read the content of a scholarly article and make your own assessments about the merits of the research and the argument.

For this assignment, you need to identify and evaluate a contemporary criminal justice research article on one of the subjects. Social Disorganization.

Then, write a 5–6 page paper, summarizing and evaluating the content of that article and discussing how it relates to the course material (Neighborhoods and Crime, Theory and Crime, Rational Choice Theory)

Use the instructions below to complete this assignment.

  1. Search for a criminal justice research article from the year 2010 or later on one of the following theories: social disorganization.
  2. Make sure that the article that you have chosen for this assignment is scholarly and peer-reviewed.
  3. Make sure that you have found a reputable article.
  4. Provide 2 peer review sources or periodicals.

Part 2: Reading the research article

Thoroughly read the research article. This requires that you read the paper several times.

  1. Read the instructions on how to read a scholarly article from the following websites:
  2. Take notes on your article as you read it.

Part 3: Writing a Draft

Draft a 5–6 page paper that answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of this study?
  • How does it contribute to existing research?
  • What exactly is the empirical study testing?
  • How are the main theoretical constructs measured? (You do not have to describe all of the variables in detail, but discuss how the most important abstract ideas from the theory have been operationalized and measured with concrete data.)
  • What are the main conclusions of this study?
  • What are the strengths and limitations?
  • What knowledge does this article add to the theoretical tradition that is being studied?

Part 4: Revising and Writing the Final Paper

Revise your draft into a final paper that is thorough, accurate, well organized, and interesting to read. Proofread your work carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes. Seek help with your writing before the paper deadline.

  1. Cite your sources properly using APA style(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  2. Do not plagiarize. Carefully read the information provided by the Library about what constitutes plagiarism(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. at Ask if you are unsure.
  3. Seek help with your writing well before the deadline.(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Writing quality is an important part of all graded assignments. In addition to using proper spelling and grammar, the words you choose and the tone of your writing should be the same as you would use in a business environment. You should use sophisticated vocabulary and avoid “text-speak” at all costs. You should also maintain a professional tone and avoid phrases that are too casual or colloquial for the business world.

Part 5: Formatting your Paper

Properly format your paper. It should be 5–6 pages long, using double spacing, 12-point font and 1-inch margins. All sources must be cited properly in the text and in the references using APA style. Read your paper several times to check for errors.

For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors