Cultural Intelligence

Question 1


9/10- I carefully check the accuracy of my cultural knowledge while interacting with individuals from different cultures.

9/10- I am 100 percent conscious of any cultural knowledge before applying it in cross-cultural associations.

9/10 I have the ability to adjust my knowledge when interacting with people from cultures that are not familiar to me.


7/10 I am aware of the economic and legal systems of other cultures

8/10 I know language rules of other cultures

7/10 I have knowledge of other cultures marriage systems, cultural beliefs, religious beliefs and other culture crafts.

10/10 I completely understand the rules of showing non-verbal actions in other cultures.


9/10- I am well able to transform my verbal behavior when intercultural associations demand

10/10 I can alter my tone, mood, accent and facial expressions

10/10 I am able to apply silence or pause as determined by cross cultural environments.

CQ Motivation

10/10 I really love associating with individuals from cultures different from my own

10/10 I am comfortable with living in cultures with beliefs different from my own

10/10 I have confidence while socializing with people in local cultures as well as those that are unfamiliar to me

10/10 I can very well deal with cultural stresses of adjusting to a new culture

9/10 Getting accustomed to shopping conditions of other cultures is easier for me.

Looking at the survey above, we can clearly see the relationship between emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence which is close to some extent. However, cultural intelligence picks up from where emotional intelligence stops. It is clear that an individual with a higher emotional intelligence would grasp easier what makes us humans and at the same time what have a quick understanding of what makes us different from one another (Livermore 2011). I think CQ is better assessed from EQ which relates to the above survey that gives my past experiences of interacting with different people.

Question 2

This advert is interesting because of its use of a team of professional orchestra and a live choir. This advert is really exciting because it communicates to us the idea of qualitative and good food that creates more than just a tasty experience. This adverts acts as a treat for all fiber in the body depicting a first bite of McDonalds dish that is exceptionally delicious causing you to get lost in the moment. With the use of a live choir and a live orchestra in this advert, McDonalds manages to maintain a composed product-focus process. With the setting of this advert, we can claim that McDonald’s menu appears limitless especially because it reveals a wider target market.

The second advert is in the form of a Disney collector that presents a play Doh at McDonalds restaurant. In this advert a the audience is allowed to see and analyze what happens in the operations of the restaurant. With the Barbie and Cookie monster, this advert sort of creates a menu for its clients playing a set that extrudes shakes, French fries, bins, mold burgers among other tasty food provided at McDonalds. This advert is interesting because it also depicts a limitless menu of all the products sold. The easy steps of producing and assembling the products come in an understanding of how their operations are done in large volumes. We see how each crew of the restaurant skilled workers have distinct roles to plan in the repetitive focused process. I think McDonald chose this advert because as a multinational company, they are aware they have a large client base from different cultures and therefore the operations and menu reveal to its huge client base on how they can get comfortable and trust their activities. Understanding the cultures of your target group makes it easy to design marketing campaigns (Kotler & Gary).