cyber security

CC3101 Coursework Assignment The coursework assignment for CC3101 involves researching into a relevant area of cyber security, choose from ONE of the following topics, you report must be no more than 1500 words. You must reference your work using the Harvard referencing system and the work must be original and your own work. Please be aware of the university’s policy on plagiarism. Due date Friday of week 24. Choose a current cyber-attack that has used ransomware to extort money, which has taken place since October 2017. In your report consider these questions to help you complete your work: • Who were the victims of the attack? • What actually happened? • How were the perpetrators able to commit the cyber-attack, what method did they use? • What countermeasures would have been necessary to have prevented the attack? Please structure your report using the following: Introduction (5 Marks) A short introduction, stating what your report is about, giving a brief overview of the areas that you will cover in your report. Research in Ransomware attacks (50 marks) This section needs to cover in detail the research that you did into ransomware. You must reference your research. Your research needs to cover all aspects of what ransomware is, how it works, why people use ransomware and what the wider effects of such an attack are. You must show that you have looked at more than one source of information. Failure to research more than one source will mean a loss of marks. Recommendations (30 Marks) In this section you will provide a list of recommendations that will be supported by your research. It needs to be a set of recommendations that could potentially be implemented by a company or an individual to prevent further potential cyber-attacks. Conclusion (10 Marks) The conclusion is a summary of the key areas of your report, you should not introduce any new ideas or add any new information. References (5 Marks) A comprehensive set of references, correctly formatted using the Harvard Referencing system.