Data Analysis Strategies

Please provide a responsive essay to the following peer discussion post:
1. Researcher will email three potential volunteers in the 321st SUS BDE, not working directly under the researchers’ direction, to respond, and then ask them to suggest two or three more soldiers they know and replicate the process until enough volunteers are interested. These volunteers could potentially participate in the qualitative study involving the Army’s SHARP program.

2. Researcher will post flyers along the hallway of the 321st Sustainment Brigade Tactical Operations Center (TOC). All soldiers will have visibility of the flyers to potentially participate in the qualitative study with the researcher’s email listed on the flyer.

3. Soldiers potentially interested in completing the study will respond via email and a response containing a consent form will follow. (Ensuring information will remain confidential)

4. If potential volunteers agree to participate, a consent from will be sent via email. If soldiers disagree to participate, an email will be sent out regarding appreciation for their interest.

5. Potential volunteers digitally sign the consent form and send it back to the researcher to confirm a face-to-face interview.

6. The preferred goal for sample size consists of 12 to 15 soldiers which is justified by the researcher (Boddy, 2016).

7. Semi-structured interviews and open-ended questions will be presented to volunteers individually. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted which allows soldiers of different ranks (enlisted and officers), sex, and ethnicity to discuss their perception regarding the Army’s SHARP Program. Research interviews is one of the most important qualitative data collection methods has been widely used in conducting field studies (Qu, & Dumay, 2011). These interviews will not last more than 10 minutes per participant.

8. After the interview process is complete the results will be gathered by the researcher and SHARP Representatives to make possible recommendations to the stakeholders. Once results are received they will be presented to the stakeholders for possible implementation.
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