Data Analytics Personal Statement

Statistics and mathematics have always intrigued me all my life and the first one particularly is a representation of a big part of my life and decision making. I believe statistics is the most intriguing and engaging subject because of its amazing series of simplified numeric characters that come in the form of representation of world problems. My love for statistics and mathematics begun at a tender age after I selected a right formula, performed simple computations and arrived at the right answer. My interest in data analysis grew further when I was in school. It was in high school that I realized my uncontrollable interest in science. To me science courses are very intriguing and so I spent more of my time practicing the same with a belief that science was closer to the real world. I am really addicted to mathematics and statistics and that is why I am interested in pursuing data analytics and masters level.

I love mathematical challenges because I believe I can use mathematics to devise solutions to a number of difficult problems through dividing the problem into smaller units, solving them one by one in a logical manner and arrive at the final solution. I have faith that this method of mathematical thinking is necessary in real life because of the ability to provide solutions to challenging problems. As a subject, statistics is needed in order to organize, analyze and interpret research findings. With this understanding I can use the power of statistics to analyze and work out and analyze whether a proposal will turn out to be successful or not. Mathematics and statistics as well as their relation to science is the reason why I would want to pursue data analytics at masters level; if pure mathematics in the abstract to life then statistics must be closer to our lives. Data is used to make the analysis of different views with a higher likelihood to lead us into informed decisions.

Therefore, I believe significant decisions in life can be made from statistical research. For instance; a nurse would want to use a new drug compared to the old one, setting up an alternative and null hypothesis as well as testing the sample might enable the nurse to make informed decisions basing on whatever statistical analysis involved. Using statistics makes it easy to arrive at a decision in a more logical manner. I love exploring football matches statistics to analyze the different performance of players; for instance, how many targets and shots in a single match can Messy manage to score. My undergraduate major was accounting because I thought accounting also had a closer relation to science and was more logical. Accounting is also my favorite because it blends abstract theory (mathematics) with real world applications (statistics).

During my free time, I love to research about the historical roots of data analysis, mathematics and accounting and find out how all these fields are related. During my work experience at a local accounting firm last summer, I developed exceptional communication skills when asked to collect money from organization donors. During this time, I managed to obtain fair work-life balance by regularly going to work and continuing with my research. The physical and social challenges helped me improve on my communication skills. I am applying to this university because I hope to continue developing my statistics and mathematical skills as I would want to use them in the future.