Dead End Job

Throughout history, many businesses have tried to unlock value through matching internal structures with modern strategies: centralizing through function. However, most approaches have failed to work very well because of the expensive nature of restructuring with creates new organizational problems which are troublesome to solve like it is evident in case 19. As a manager, I think a fair management system is one that finds its basis on a balanced scorecard framework that works well to align structure and strategy (Levin 2012). In case number 19, it is evident that the structure of the business is a dead end nature and therefore the management should apply high level strategy in finding the right personnel for producing higher labor relations.

Change management demands managers to use any approaches and methods that would make transition easy. Change management takes into consideration the whole nature of the business and what the institution needs for change (Jason 2014). Change management should wholly focus on how teams and individuals within the organization are affected by the business transition. Focusing on how teams and people within the business are affected is what was lacking at Drucker Management. Before implementing the PDS system, I would first align the goals and objectives of the business to its structure and later consider how change will affect employees. Before introducing the PDS system, I would first share the overall plan with employees and find out what they think about performance planning process.

As a manager, I would consult with every employee to design a plan for the next phase but will consult the overall supervisor for ultimate approval. As a manager, I will consider Kotter’s 8 step process change model that involves establishing a sense of urgency, creating a guiding coalition, developing a strategy and vision, communicating a change vision, empowering employees for broader future action, designing short term wins, consolidating gains and produce and ultimately anchoring new approaches that will run with organizational culture (Anderson 2013). These procedures would yield better results compared to old models.