You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality. 


You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality.

1. Explain at least two different ways to assess validity. What concerns might you have regarding validity measures and why?

2. For your dissertation, what concerns might you have regarding the validity of your selected scale? Don’t just name your concerns, but also tell why they are concerns.

3. How could you deal with these in your study?

4. Discuss one potential cross-cultural challenge you would face in studying personality and how you would respond to this challenge as a researcher.

Please add a reference in every paragraph.