
The aim of assignment is to construct an assessment of a person with dementias’ needs using a model of
dementia and discuss how you have addressed one area of need.
The purpose of this assignment is to write a summary of your assessment of the person with dementia and
their health care needs.
Below are guidelines for undertaking this assignment.
Please make sure you read through all the instructions for what you are required to do and submit and that
you also read through all the supplementary guidance here.
The model we recommend you use for your assignment is The Dialectics of Dementia (Kitwood) and is
summarized below:
D= P+ B +H + NI +SP
D = Dementia is viewed as the product of a complex interaction between the remaining five elements of the
1. P = Personality, which includes coping styles and defences against anxiety
2. B = Biography, and responses to the vicissitudes of later life
3. H = Health status, including the acuity of the senses
4. NI= Neurological impairment, separated into its location, type and intensity
5. SP= Social psychology which constitutes the fabric of everyday life
You are asked to provide an evidence based summary of each of the five (5) elements above and show how
each contributes to the dementia process.

For example:
1. describe in person-centred way the personality of the person with dementia;
2. outline major areas of the person’s life history, in particular how they have dealt with emotional challenges
and crisis in their life;
3. describe the persons overall health status, including any age related changes with their senses;
4. describe their neurological impairment, separated into its location, type and intensity;
5. summarise the social psychology which surrounds the person in their every day life and in thecurrent
care setting.
You must include your appreciation of the person’s:
§ personhood and his/her communication abilities;
§ importance of the impact of the care milieu/ environment on the person;
§ malignant social psychology;
§ people with dementia are seen as active agents;
§ language/ behaviours have meaning;
§ positive person work.
When you have done this, you need to outline the person’s health care needs and critically discuss how you
would respond to one (1) of the identified needs.
Remember when you consider what the persons needs are that these should reflect their priorities and not
just yours.
You will also need to provide a title for your assignment and one that reflects something about the person you
are representing.