desсrіptive essay

Visit a Web site from a local or national newspaper and find a photograph of an event involving two or more individuals. Describe where the people are, what the event is, what the people are doing, what their facial expression suggest, and anything else you find unique about the setting. You may have to look through several Web sites until you find a photograph that prompts such details. Be sure your details relate to a dominant impression of the scene, and be sure to select a photograph that you find interesting or unique. You will have more to say if you feel strongly, either positively or negatively, about the circumstances. Copy and paste the image into the very end of the essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction Give an overview of the picture. What are the general circumstances surrounding the picture? Provide as much background information as your reader needs to know to understand what’s happening. You may need to conduct some research to find out more details. Include the dominant impression. End with the a good, solid thesis statement that gives your reader a general idea of what you will be describing in the picture without making an announcement (such as ″This essay will describe…″ or ″In this essay, I will describe…″ Paragraph 2: Body Paragraph #1: Describe the scene. Appeal to your viewers’ senses. What did the scene look like? What sounds could be heard at the scene? What did the scene smell like? What tastes were there? What did the scene feel like? The goal is to provide as detailed a desсrіption as you can. Paragraph 3: Body Paragraph #2: Describe the mood of the picture. Is the mood shared by everyone/everything in the picture? Be sure to include details that state why the mood is the way you describe. It helps to select an image that has drama, excitement, suspense, etc. so that you have plenty to discuss in this section. Paragraph 4: Conclusion: What thoughts do you want to leave your reader with? Do you want them to reflect? Take action? ……. Stop texting? Treasure family? Vote?