Describe the biography or case history of any well-known and popular celebrity or political figure that had a psychological disorder.

Describe the biography or case history of any well-known and popular celebrity or political figure that had a psychological disorder. You may use well known people from People magazine or any other magazines, newspapers, psychology journals, books or internet sources for your references.
Be sure to note the cognitive, behavioral, biological or some other school of thought in your reaction to this issue.
In addition, please include the following information in your internet-accessed sources to avoid plagiarism.
#1. Please always specify the exact date you accessed the web site and retrieved each source, i.e., month, day, year, and the date that each source was published, i.e., month, day, year.
#2. Always specify the LINK or URL or www address for the article so I can click on it and read the article. Simply writing WEB, PDF file, or EBSCO host is not enough.
#3. Indicate the date the article was published (if noted).
#4. Always include the title of the article you accessed from the web.
#5. Indicate the name of the journal (if a journal is named).
#6 . indicate the place of publication of the book, i.e., city.
#7. Specify the publisher’s name (if noted).
#8. If the author’s name is listed, write the author’s name for the article you accessed from the web for your source.

In your REACTION PAPERS, you should attempt to accomplish two tasks:
1. Relate as many course concepts and theories to the topic as you can. Use these concepts to support or challenge the Reaction Papers topics. That is, use course material to analyze the topic and/or illustrate material that you have learned in the course by using examples pertaining to the topic. Make sure that you define the chosen concepts in the body of your papers, and
2. Use one of the psychological schools of thought that were developed in your text (the cognitive/behavioral perspective or school of thought, the biological perspective or school or thought, the sociocultural school or perspective, the psychodynamic school or perspective, the humanistic/existenial perspective, and so forth) to analyze your papers. Make sure that you explain the theory briefly in a few sentences or less and that you mention it at salient points in the paper.
Your grade will be based in part upon your ability to use the theories and concepts discussed in the course material or textbook. You should use (define and illustrate) relevant terms and concepts in your answers and make sure that you have carefully defined each of them. These short papers will ask you to utilize course information in the analysis of specific issues in the course. Your Reaction Papers must have two pages of text — double-spaced — and they should reflect knowledge that you have gained from reading your assigned readings. That is, you will be graded upon your use and definition of relevant concepts, theories, and names that have been presented in the course materials. You may also add a little of your own personal views on the issues as well (a point is deducted for not double spacing). You are required to use and cite at least one published source in your Reaction Papers at the end of each paper; otherwise, your grade may be as low as zero. However, do not use more than two or three sources or you will lose points for not following directions. Published sources include psychology journal articles, books, newspapers, magazines or published online articles.. You must note all of your sources. Also, be sure to use quotation marks when you use the words of someone else, and cite them as a reference. Reaction papers are similar to miniature research papers. Citing Sources:
Put the following information in your internet-accessed sources.
For Reaction papers, you need to put this information in your internet-accessed sources.
#1. Always specify the exact date you accessed the web site and retrieved each source, i.e., month, day, year, and the date that each source was published, i.e., month, day, year.
#2. Always specify the exact LINK or Web URL or www address for the article so it can be read by others.
Simply writing WEB, PDF file, or EBSCO host is not enough.
#3. Indicate the date the article was published (if noted).
#4. Always include the title of the article you accessed from the web.
#5. Indicate the name of the journal (if a journal is named).
#6 . indicate the place of publication of the book, i.e., city.
#7. Specify the publisher’s name (if noted).
#8. If the author’s name is listed, write the author’s name for the article you accessed from the web for your source.