Describe and define deficits of vocal hyperfunction and research the medical conditions or environmental conditions that may lead to vocal hyperfunction. (Hints: think about kids yelling on the playground, a supervisor trying to talk over noise in a manufacturing plant to give employees instructions, and an anxious person attempting to explain their fears and worries.)

When diagnosing vocal deficits, you may hear a strained, stressed voice pattern. The air may be constrained as the client attempts to speak. Are the client’s shoulders drawn upward? Do they express fatigue when attempting to speak with in this manner?

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to gain an understanding of vocal hyperfunction. This Assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence that you have completed the following Learning Outcome:

Learning Outcome: Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology of communication to diagnose and treat patients with communication disorders

For this Assignment:

Describe and define deficits of vocal hyperfunction and research the medical conditions or environmental conditions that may lead to vocal hyperfunction. (Hints: think about kids yelling on the playground, a supervisor trying to talk over noise in a manufacturing plant to give employees instructions, and an anxious person attempting to explain their fears and worries.)

Your short essay of approximately 500 words should use double spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12-point font. Spelling and grammar and APA style are important. You must include a reference page and cite 8 scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are websites ending with either .org or .edu or textbooks, ebooks, or journel articles. You may not use any other sources then the 8 scholarly sources you are required to provide. There also must be in essay citation of those same 8 scholarly sources when you use information you learned in them.