Describe and evaluate two ways a leader can involve people who use services to promote; person centred care, choice and control, health and wellbeing.

You should introduce the service, giving an outline of:

          i.            The range of people who use the service e.g. the client group

        ii.            What kind of work it is e.g. the setting (in the community; a care home; the persons home etc.)

      iii.            What particular skills and experience you need

The Research Project should integrate the following and THROUGHOUT should be applied to the client group:

1.       Describe and evaluate two ways a leader can involve people who use services to promote; person centred care, choice and control, health and wellbeing.

2.       Describe and evaluate two priority frameworks related to health inequalities.

3.       Explain the purpose of the Codes of Practice and describe three duties and responsibilities related to safeguarding individuals.

4.       Identify and describe three signs of neglect, harm and abuse that are related to vulnerability factors.

5.       Research and evaluate one public issue from a care context in terms of social democracy

6.       Provide a timeline of significant developments in Human Rights legislation

7.       Explain three factors that have shaped the development of family structures and roles

8.       Describe and evaluate the concept of neuroscience in one area of human development