Describe and explain what green logistics or reverse logistics that you have personally observed or seen? Compare and contrast your observations with the reading of the week

1.Describe and explain what green logistics or reverse logistics that you have personally observed or seen? Compare and contrast your observations with the reading of the week (Reverse Logistics Management by John Wiley Pg 101-158, Topic is:-HOW LEADERS CAN IMPLEMENT COMPLEXITY TO HELP MAKE A VIRTUAL TEAM SUCCESSFUL). Do you feel that most organizations have green logistics or reverse logistics? 2. Differentiate safety and security issues related to the handling and movement of hazardous materials. Review this link from PHMSA: Do some research to examine the differences between safety and security for shipping packages. Companies and individual that ship hazardous items need to ensure that the items are packaged correctly and shipped via the appropriate mode. As a helpful hint, some companies may ship regulated products and violate Title 49 regulations for hazardous materials. Do companies actually do this deliberately? I would hope not. But, it is possible that some employees may not be aware of Title 49. When you review this Title 49, you will find growing lists the hazardous materials that are banned for transport. Some items that you or your company can send by truck will be illegal to ship by air cargo for instance. While Home Depot may sell you a fire extinguisher that came in on truck delivery, that same extinguisher cannot be sent by air, by you as an individual or as Home Depot to some remote customer. As you explore the safety and security issues and findings, address your answers from a domestic or US border viewpoint, as well as international. Some items you can ship across state lines in the US, while that same product may not be able to be shipped across borders of other countries. Finally, does the public have a right to know when something that is hazardous is traveling through their city by rail or by truck? Do you ever wonder about an 18 wheeler that has no markings on it at all? Ever see such a truck? Look at the newspaper or TV news accounts of train accidents in the last few years. Whole sections of towns have been destroyed or people infected with hazardous chemicals. For Question 1 use this as your reference; Reverse Logistics Management (2011). Collaborative Processes. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.