Details of task: Students are required to write a 2,000 word essay on ONE question from Topics 1 – 4. A list of essay topics will be provided to students on the APG5393 Moodle site, from which they are to choose ONE question to answer. Students will also be provided with a detailed grading rubric, that will be used when marking their assignments.

Details of task: Students are required to write a 2,000 word essay on ONE question from Topics 1 – 4.
A list of essay topics will be provided to students on the APG5393 Moodle site, from which they are to choose ONE question to answer.
Students will also be provided with a detailed grading rubric, that will be used when marking their assignments.

Word limit: 2,000 words
Value: 20%

Criteria for marking: A marking rubric will be made available to students, and they should consult this document while preparing their essay.
In assessing your essays ALL of the following will be considered:
● Your level of understanding of the ethical and conceptual issues raised in the readings.

● Your level of understanding of the ethical and conceptual issues raised in the readings.
● Evidence of your ability to evaluate arguments for and against different moral views.
● How successfully you answer the specific essay question.
● The extent to which you develop a clearly stated argument to your conclusion throughout the essay.
● Your capacity to support your own ethical and philosophical views with sound reasoning.
● The extent to which the essay is structured to present material in a clear and logical sequence.
● The extent to which your essay engages with the readings relevant to the essay question.
● The extent to which you conform to appropriate standards of academic referencing and citation.
● The clarity of your written and philosophical expression, including stylistic aspects (e.g. grammar, paragraphing, etc.).
The levels of performance for the different grades, are as follows: High Distinction 80-100 (HD)
Addresses all of the assessment criteria to a very high standard. Exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter and appreciation of issues. Evidence of insight and originality where appropriate. Clearly and logically organised with excellent presentation.
Distinction 70-79 (D)
Addresses all the assessment criteria, with several to a high standard. Strong grasp of subject matter and appreciation of key issues.
Clearly and logically organised with good presentation. Credit 60-69 (C)
Addresses most of the assessment criteria reasonably well. Competent understanding of subject matter and appreciation of most of the main issues. Competent organisation and presentation.
Pass 50-59 (P)
Satisfactory. Addresses most of the assessment criteria adequately, though lacking in depth and breadth. Demonstrates appreciation of subject matter and issues. Often work of this standard demonstrates only basic comprehension or competency, and may be poorly structured and presented.
Fail 0-49 (N)
Unsatisfactory. Addresses the assessment criteria inadequately. Minimal or inadequate understanding of subject matter. Work is often inadequate in depth and breadth, and sometimes incomplete or irrelevant. Lack of care and thought in organising, presenting and structuring work.

Referencing requirements:
To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at