Diabetes in Australia

1) Introduction (150 words)
Outlining what the reader can expect and provide an overview of the articles and overall focus of your paper
2) Critique of Research Paper 1 (400 words)
The reference and web-link for the paper under the headings
A summary of the main research findings
A description of the research design and methods used
A brief description/ critique of how the article has considered the determinants of health
Thoughts on the public health implications of the research(i.e. what does it mean for public health policy and practice?)
3) Critique of Research Paper 2 (400 words)
The reference and web-link for the paper under the headings
A summary of the main research findings
A description of the research design and methods used
A brief description/ critique of how the article has considered the determinants of health
Thoughts on the public health implications of the research(i.e. what does it mean for public health policy and practice?)
4) Conclusion (150 words)
Consider how these two different research articles differ in their approach, what are the similarities across these two studies?
Thoughts on the public health implications of the research (i.e. what does it mean for public health policy or practice?)
5) Reference list (APA Style)

Use 2 Australian based research articles on Obesity, no more than 5 years old, should be relevant and original health research, should be 2 different journals and 2 different authors.