how differing attitudes between native americans and invading british towards nature and the use of the land created an inevitable cultural as well as political conflict.

Many of the writers we have read in the first part of the course have different attitudes towards the land and nature. And this difference may, in part, account for the conflicts between native peoples and European colonists in early America. Select two different authors (European, Native or African) we have read this term and analyze how their differing attitudes towards nature and the use of the land created an inevitable cultural as well as political conflict. Be very specific in your analysis, creating arguments and offering evidence from the literary text for proof. You can also use critics to support your argument. Please remember that this paper should be a literary argument and not just a summary of literary texts. Create a thesis about one of the topics above and provide evidence from the texts to support your point of view. The works cited is limited to the texts included in the uploaded file.