Digital poster on health promotion

1. Your task is to complete the writing as highlighted in yellow colour in the assessment task 1 file.
2. Topic selection is Chronic Kidney Disease.
3. Use word file to complete this writing. I will transfer your writing into my PowerPoint
4. Reference: Min 6 academic literature, no longer than 5 years. Must be systematic review.
5. Reference style: Vancouver [Numbering] (Note: No citation, just numbering]
6. Read and follow strictly the assignment task file, especially “what you need to do” in pg. 2 and “presentation requirement” in pg. 3. And read the “Lecture note” which relate to this writing.
7. The writing must be:
• Very high-quality academic writing evident, with accurate referencing throughout. Claims are fully supported by a wide variety of scholarly literature.
• Demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and applies this knowledge in the context of understanding of relevant health promotion strategies, including different levels of prevention.