DISCOVER Process of Creative Real-world Problem Solving: 1) What was the real-world problem that you or your team addressed and why was it challenging to solve? Answer: (I choose skin integrity and pressure ulcer issue so I want you to write on this topic)

DISCOVER Process of Creative Real-world Problem Solving:

1) What was the real-world problem that you or your team addressed and why was it challenging to solve?
Answer: (I choose skin integrity and pressure ulcer issue so I want you to write on this topic)

Skin integrity issues are real world nursing problem. Pressure ulcers and other skin breakdowns are among the most significant adverse events causing duress for patients and compromising patients’ recovery from illness or injury……. CONTINUE WITH THIS IDEA…

DESIGN Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

2) What were the approaches to the problem that you or your team identified, considered, analyzed, and evaluated, and why did some of those solutions appear stronger than others?
ANSWER: Weakly skin assessment is best tool to monitor the skin closely. HYDRATION. COORECT SITTING POSITION, dementia patient cannot express their needs etc…. Continue with ….

3) What were the creative solution(s) that you or your team selected and developed for addressing the identified real-world problem?
National pressure ulcer prevention etc………

4) Why should your or your team’s proposed solution to the real-world problem be considered creative, reasonable, and powerful?

DELIVER Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

5) How did you or your team present the proposed solution for the real-world problem?

Answer:: As a charge nurse of nursing home, I proposed a solution to my Director of Nursing (DON) to emphasize on weakly skin assessment, care planning and patient’s education. A through skin assessment gives important information about potentially serious disease, especially in older adults who are vulnerable to skin breakdown…????

6) Describe the audience to whom your presentation was made and their receptivity to your proposed solution.

Staff member of nursing homes (DON, LPN, CNA) were receptive to the proposed problem and solutions…..????? continue to write
REFLECT Process of Creative Real-World Problem Solving:

7) What new learning or insights did you or your team gain about your DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DELIVER skill levels of creative real-world problem solving from this experience?

8) What would you or your team do differently to improve your DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DELIVER skills of creative real-world problem solving in the future?


9) How would you evaluate the overall problem-solving ability of you or your team?
• Do not forget to add your references to your report