Discrimination on entrance exams and promotional exams, particularly with the physical agility testing.

Due to a number of recent lawsuits and claims, your chief administrator is asking her senior staff to undertake policy and SOP revisions to make the organization more compliant and less open to claims and lawsuits.

The chief administrator has asked that you perform legal research applicable to a fire and emergency services organization on your assigned topic, searching for legal precedent, state and national requirements or mandates, and ways that an organization can protect itself from legal actions resulting from this issue. She is asking that you cite references and standards that are applicable, and that you create an outline of an organizational policy or SOP that will ensure that the organization is as protected as it can be.

I would anticipate that your paper should be 6-8 (full) pages at a minimum, and should use APA format. Be sure and cite references for your information.

Sources for information are (of course) federal laws and regulations, state laws and regulations, legal cases that have set precedent (there should be some in your book as well as Nexis Uni), and any journal articles or other research sources.