Discusion article

Because of the exceptional focus and direction I had in high school, instructors always pointed to me as the group leader and as a class representative. At times we would be presented with a project to engage in and I would have little support from the rest of the class and it would happen that other streams would perform way better than us. My classmates would micro manage every single project and cause the team to miss deadlines, frustrate the efforts of the few who were determined and this brought group performance low. I got an idea that probably I would talk to my classmates and convince them on how we would perform better than other streams if we would only work together, trust each other’s efforts and help in contributing to one direction. Since it was evident that we worked against each other instead of working together, the rest of my classmates gained confidence in our ability if we worked together towards a main goal, do our projects fairly and regain our lost reputation.

I believe what is challenging in every human communication is trust; when trust is lost, communication declines and performance is affected. I believe as a group leader, I would have earlier spoken about what should be expected in these group tasks earlier before we could engage in completing group tasks. I was swallowed in the praises of being the best leader but forgot that the same position would be challenging without communication. Being a great leader is problematic and challenging because it also creates unnecessary stress of ensuring you as a leader performs and the rest of your group also performs. This led me not to play the greatest role of communication as a leader as I focused more on performance that group cooperation. With this instance, I do not need to worry ever again about group performance because I have realized that exceptional performance lies in group cohesion and communication.