discuss the background of the psychologist and their theory.

Writing Guidelines

Read about the psychologist and his/her theories using the textbook, internet websites ( not Wikipedia) , and or books in the library.


In three pages or more discuss the background of the psychologist and their theory.

Page One “Background Information”: Discuss background information including: education, country of origin, birth date (and date of death if applicable), marital status and marital information, family background information, and any other interesting information about their life such as winning a Nobel Prize


Page Two “Theory”: Discuss their theory. For example: if discussing Pavlov be sure to explain his theory of classical conditioning.


Page Three “Application/Critique”: Discuss the importance of this theory in the field of psychology, and how this theory is applied today. If the theory is controversial, then discuss the controversies regarding the theory and arguments for and against it. For example: Kholberg’s theory is considered controversial because he had only male participants in his study which makes it challenging to apply some of his conclusions to females.


Page Four “Bibliography”: Cite any sources used in your paper using APA format.


Additional Important Information:

Standard English grammar, punctuation, and appropriate capitalization.

Times New Roman 12 point print.

Double spaced.

APA format of citation within paper (APA format)

Bibliography using APA format


All comments must use “standard” English grammar, punctuation, and appropriate capitalization.

Please note: cutting and pasting from the internet, use of another author’s thoughts and/or words from any resource without citation in the response and a bibliography, using sentences such as “Scientists/Researchers say that…” or “According to current research” (without citing who the scientists are…what the research is…and not citing them/it) is considered plagiarism.