Discuss how the images of [ light and darkness,] <—( this is my part ) [sickness and sleeplessness, and order and disorder ] <—( don’t do these, other group members are responsible for these ) reveal the theme of appearances not matching reality.

Macbeth Oral Essay Topics




Discuss how the images of [ light and darkness,] <—( this is my part ) [sickness and sleeplessness, and order and disorder ] <—( don’t do these, other group members are responsible for these ) reveal the theme of appearances not matching reality.







  1. You and your partner will select an essay prompt and together you will develop a detailed essay outline.


  1. The introduction and conclusion should be written out in complete sentences and paragraph form.


  1. Each body paragraph will need a topic sentence that links to the thesis statement and mentions an idea from the directional statement.  The evidence will be developed in point form.  A transitional statement must also be written our between body paragraphs 1 and 2, and body paragraphs 2 and 3.


  1. Specific references to the play, in the form of quotations, are necessary with Act, Scene, and line documentation that uses MLA citations.  A minimum of two separate quotations are required in each body paragraph.


  1. You and your partner will present your topic/outline to the class.


  1. Your presentation must be typed and on a power point the day you are to present.  Students are responsible for making sure their technology is compatible with that of the school.


  1. On the day that you present you must also submit a typed copy of your detailed essay outline to me along with a document containing a peer evaluation for each group.