Discuss the key challenges presented by the presence of baby boomers generation in the modern workplace.

Question: Discuss the key challenges presented by the presence of baby boomers generation in the modern workplace.
Please do not provide solutions only challenges.
Please consider these criteria:
• Relevance of topic area; real world challenges relevant to leadership and followership
• Evidence of Research, references from reliable and valid sources
• Demonstration of understanding to business and parties involved in the
• organisation/industry; links made to examples, critical commentary not purely descriptive.
In the slide section please provide a reflection please consider:
• The research undertaken; giving your consideration of the quality, currency, reliability and validity of resources used.
• What you did to prepare your contribution and how you think it will make positive impact.
• What obstacles were experienced, causes and resolutions? And Identification of what you might do differently in order to improve the submission providing justification.
• Conclude the submission with a list of areas/skills/knowledge in which you need to improve.