To be discussed with the expert,It is about Auditing.

Please, follow the Order Description precisely,
The manuscript (Article) is for publication in one of the international journals indexed with Scopus. Therefore, the manuscript should include followings:

1. The topic should be about the field of ‘Auditing’. The expert and the customer determine the precise topic of the article.
2. The topic should be new and have something valuable that makes paper worthy for publication.
3. The article should include theoretical and empirical/practical parts.
4. Besides the Abstract and Introduction, the writer should include:
• Keywords
• Highlights
• Problems of the Study
• Significance of the Study
• Objectives of the study
• Hypotheses
5. Literature review (Previous studies tackled by other previous researchers about the same or similar study).The Writer should state how his study is different from the other ones tackled before, and how does it differ from the previous ones in the literature review.
6. In the practical part, the writer is kindly requested to specify the sample of the study included in the study. It also should include:
• Results
• Conclusions
• Implications
• Recommendations
7. The article should have a proper model of analysis upon which the entire study is based.
8. The practical part should include:
• Statistical methods
• Figures
• Tables with titles
• Equations
9. All the sources cited inside the manuscript body should be mentioned in the References section. All the sources have to be cited from top tier journals.
10. The manuscript should be identical to a format guide that will be uploaded upon the acceptance of handling the order by the author.