How should the distinctive features of Millenials and ‘GenZ’ impact upon the practices of evangelism today?

Referencing: Chicago.
Word count: Strict 6000 words (including footnotes); exclude title page, abstract, bibliography and appendices, if any.
Abstract of max. 200 words.
Christian Theology, evangelical perspective.
Bibliography: 35-40 books, plus 5-8 journals, plus 5-10 websites.

Main points in assignment:

1 What are the distinctive features of Millenials?
2 What are the distinctive features of GenZ?
3 Main differences between them.
4 What might be the main challenges for the church today.
5 What makes them so unique. Their advantages.
6 How this may benefit the church.
5 What is Evangelism? How it has been practiced throughout history ? What do we understand about it?
6 How do Christians practice evangelism today? Cite different types
7 Impacts on today’s evangelism methods, in relation to Milenials and GenZ
8 The importance of understanding this generation in order to seek a greater impact in the practice of evangelism.
9 Suggestions on how the church may re-focus its practices.

To consider/discuss:
– The Gospel is the Good News to our lives. How can this message impact the new generation?
– evangelism is the proclamation of the gospel.
– how the new generation can engage with evangelism?
– culture changes due to technology advancement
– some places have internet connections, but not water
– Internet means, access to information, which gives people “power”
– There are recent discussions about including internet as part of human rights
– Generation of the “short and sweet” – quick information, short and direct.
– they are looking for applicable messages; how it relates to them?

– As this is such new topic, the work must include recent research/journals and in information from the web.
– The argument must always be connected to the main essay question/topic
– Careful with the use of theological terms (evangelical perspective)
– Book citations are expected
– Keep with the academic convention (Chicago)