Document Analysis: Imperialism

Topic: What can we learn about the African response to the growing colonial presence? Why did Moshweshewe want help from the British in the first place (eg. against his internal opposition by the Sikonyela, etc.)? Why did he invoke the plea of Christianity?

Read Chief Moshweshewe: Letter to Sir George Grey, 1858 [On the establishment of Basutoland] at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Assignment Instructions:
Step One: Introduction: Consider these questions as you read the document and write your introduction: Who is the author? When was it written? What was the purpose of the document? You will need to include some background material to answer these questions.

Be sure to include a thesis statement (or problem, mystery, etc.) about which you write. In general, your thesis statement should answer the following: what will this document be able to tell us about people and history?

Step Two: Consider 2, or better 3 main paragraphs. You should paraphrase the author’s 2-3 main arguments or positions. You will also want to offer your own interpretation of the material. Quotes should be used as evidence to illustrate your interpretation. In considering your interpretation, evaluate whether or not the author achieved their objective and how well, and consider what we can learn about the society / individual under discussion.

Step Three: Review your draft analysis. Your last paragraph is your conclusion and should highlight what we have learned after reading your essay. Ask yourself: What does the evidence say, and what does it not say? How does the document add to the understanding of history and its legacy?

Have I documented additional information used? Any subjective or potentially controversial material should include an in-text reference in (Author, year) format. All outside material must be included in a final Reference list at the end of your paper, in APA format with the URL if found online.

***Please note that the writing style needs to be reflective of a freshman writing, the usage of overly extensive wording is not necessary***