Documented Essay Presentation

 Documented Essay Presentation



(Writer responds thoughtfully and creatively, requiring little or no revision)


(Writer responds fully, requiring some revision)


(Writer responds mostly competently, requiring focused, substantive revision)

Needs Work

(Writer responds incompletely, requiring extensive revision)

Context Clear and engaging articulation of context and purpose; the audience is well oriented from the outset:


Adequate articulation of context; the introduction is mostly engaging and the audience is mostly well oriented from the outset: Presentation’s introduction is not engaging, and orientation for the audience is inadequate: Presentation does not meet audience needs by not providing engagement and orientation at the outset:


Introduction •          Introduction articulates a sophisticated, focused topic with a thesis that makes a clear assertion.

•          Approach to topic shows evidence of original thinking.

•        Opening skillfully and specifically forecast main points of essay.

•          Introduction articulates clearly focused topic with a thesis that goes beyond the points made in the essay read in class.

•        Opening forecast main points of essay but may do so in a predictable way.

•          Topic is not clearly articulated, or thesis is unclear and confusing.

•        Opening may forecast main points of essay but may exhibit a few problems.

•          Chosen topic is too broad or too narrow for assignment, causing confusion for the reader.

•          Topic may not be clearly articulated, and thesis is unclear or missing entirely.

•        Opening does not forecast main points of essay.

Purpose •          Approach to topic shows evidence of original thinking.

•          Audience needs and expectations are clearly anticipated in an engaging way.

•        Purpose is clear, and student answers the “So what?” question in engaging and perhaps innovative way.

•          Student clearly articulates approach to topic but does so in a predictable way.

•          Audience needs are anticipated.

•        Purpose is clear, and writer answers the “So what?” question but in a conventional way.

•          Student approach to topic is not clear, and purpose for writing may not be clear.

•        Presentation is speaker oriented rather than audience-oriented, and audience needs are not clearly anticipated.

•          Presenter’s approach to topic is not clear.

•          Purpose is not clear.

•        Presentation is speaker-oriented, and audience needs are not anticipated.

Substance Content is well selected and developed; focus is clear and audience’s needs are accounted for: Content is mostly well selected and developed to meet most of the audience’s needs in terms of focus and interest:


Some content is superfluous or not clearly connected to focus. Audience’s needs are not consistently accounted for: Focus of presentation is unclear. Content is not specific enough to engage audience:


Details •          Presentation is fully developed with concrete details that support thesis and clearly anticipates audience needs and expectations.

•        No irrelevant details are included, and outside sources are used in a responsible, strategic way.

•          Presentation has developed concrete details that support thesis and clearly attempts to anticipate audience needs and expectations.

•          A few irrelevant details may be included.

•        Outside sources used in a predictable or mechanical way.

•          Presentation is speaker-oriented, concrete details are underdeveloped, and attempts to anticipate audience needs and expectations are not clear.

•          Several irrelevant details may be included.

•        Outside sources may be used carelessly (e.g. weak transitions from one source to the next).

•          Presentation is clearly speaker-oriented, concrete details are severely undeveloped, and little attempt is made to anticipate audience needs and expectations.

•          Several irrelevant details may be included.

•        Outside sources are not used at all or are used incorrectly.

Relevance •          Details and evidence are fully developed and relevant to the student’s claims.

•          Presenter anticipates audience needs and expectations through using evidence in an engaging and sophisticated way.

•        No irrelevant details are included.

•          Details are fully developed and relevant to the presenter’s claims.

•          Presenter attempts to anticipate audience needs and expectations through using evidence in a conventional way.

•        A few irrelevant details are included.

•          Details are underdeveloped and may not fully support the presenter’s claims.

•          Evidence may be used in a scattershot, inconsistent way or is overused and obscures the writer’s voice.

•          Several irrelevant details are included, and presenter may include some tangential text.


•          Presentation is clearly speaker-oriented, concrete details are severely undeveloped, and no attempt is made to anticipate audience needs and expectations.

•        Presentation includes several tangents, causing confusion for the audience.

Organization Organization is appropriate to topic and emphasis, with some originality; shows attention to audience needs:


Organization is conventional, showing some attention to audience needs:


Organization of presentation is more speaker-oriented, creating diffuse emphasis and some difficulty as audience tries to follow claims:


Organizational strategies are not useful for topic or audience and impede audience movement through presentation:


Body and Conclusion •          Presentation is organized in an engaging and perhaps innovative pattern of organization that builds momentum.

•          Transitions offer sophisticated and clear orientation to topic, and subtly move reader from one idea to the next.


•          Presentation is organized in a logical pattern of organization that may be predictable.

•          Transitions are clear but may exhibit a few problems.


•          Organization is confusing and sometimes difficult to follow and is speaker-oriented rather than audience-oriented.

•        Transitions may be weak or missing.

•          Organization is confusing and difficult to follow, causing confusion for the audience.

•        Transitions are weak or missing entirely.



•          Each viewpoint adapted to subject, purpose, and audience but in an engaging and perhaps innovative way.

•        Each viewpoint is one idea each and is fully developed and supported with evidence from outside sources.

•          Points are adapted to subject, purpose, and audience.

•        Each viewpoint is one idea each and is fully developed and supported with evidence from outside sources.

•          Viewpoints may not be clearly adapted to subject, purpose, or audience.

•        Each viewpoint is may be one idea each but are underdeveloped or there may be more than one idea.

•          Points are not clearly adapted to subject, purpose, and audience, causing confusing for the reader.

•        Viewpoints may be one idea each but are severely undeveloped, and several points contain more than one idea.

Style/Delivery Style is particularly well suited for topic and audience: Style is conventional:


Style interferes with clarity in some places: Style significantly detracts from clarity:
Speech/Presentation Delivery •          Delivery is clear, fluid, and mature.

•          Precise, vivid and appropriate word choice.

•          Sentences varied. Subordination and coordination used effectively.

•          Between 7-9 minutes


•          Presentation is understandable and competent with mostly precise and vivid word choice.

•          Most sentence structures are varied, and subordination and coordination mostly used well.

•        More than 10 minutes

•          Speaking vague and disjointed.

•          Presentation structurally varied with some vivid word choice.

•          Less than 9 minutes


•          Presentation is confusing with conventional word choice.

•          Speech structured similarly and/or are simple sentences.

•        Less than 7 minutes

Delivery (for research material) Innovative accommodation of media and conventions; audience expectations and processing are carefully accounted for: Adequate accommodation of media and conventions; audience expectations and processing are mostly accounted for: Some problems with audience first impressions; inadequate proofreading interferes in places with audience processing: Delivery choices distract from research and interfere with audience expectations and processing:
Formatting •          Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited is formatted correctly following MLA or APA style.


•          Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited is double-spaced and follows most MLA citation styles.

•          No extra spaces between paragraphs.

•        Page numbers may be missing.

•          Annotated Bibliography is double-spaced but does not otherwise consistently follow MLA formatting conventions.

•        Page numbers are missing, and extra spaces may occur between paragraphs.

•          Does not follow any MLA formatting conventions.



Style Conventions

•        In-text citations follow correct MLA, and Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited page is formatted correctly. •        Some minor problems with MLA in-text citation, and Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited is mostly formatted correctly with one or two minor errors. •        Evidence of attempt to cite sources, but in-text citations and/or Works Cited page are not correct. •        Few to no in-text citations used. No Works Cited or Annotated Bibliography.