Dropbox case study

Case Study: Dropbox: “It Just Works”
Dropbox is a venture-backed Silicon Valley startup, founded in 2006, that provides online storage and backup services to millions of customers using a “freemium” (free + premium offers) business model. Founder/CEO Drew Houston must make strategic decisions about new product features, how to target enterprise customers, and whether to pursue distribution deals with smart phone manufacturers.

What would you do?
Detail your Action plan in a P&G-style analysis.
Please show the headings
he P&G analysis style is formatted around:
2.The Big Idea
3.How It Works
4.Key Benefits to the Customer
5.Suggested Next Steps

Case Study: Dropbox: “It Just Works”
Dropbox is a venture-backed Silicon Valley startup, founded in 2006, that provides online storage and backup services to millions of customers using a “freemium” (free + premium offers) business model. Founder/CEO Drew Houston must make strategic decisions about new product features, how to target enterprise customers, and whether to pursue distribution deals with smart phone manufacturers.

What would you do?
Detail your Action plan in a P&G-style analysis.
Please show the headings
he P&G analysis style is formatted around:
2.The Big Idea
3.How It Works
4.Key Benefits to the Customer
5.Suggested Next Steps