The name of this project is the “DUSTBIN BABY” because it depicts a person throwing his or her child in a dustbin (Cordner, Pp.23). The action shows lack of human dignity and rights for other people. As a golden rule, every human being should always respect and honor the right and value of the other human being.

As a street artist, the goals and intention of this art is to illustrate how people have lost value for life. The people are full of animosity as they value others like rubbish such that they can be dumped on the dustbins. Lack of meaning for life has resulted to war and fight as the weak try to fight for their rights from the superiors who oppress them (Cordner, Pp.23). In addition, the art illustrates that there are two people I life who includes: the oppressors and the oppressed. The oppressors do not recognize the rights and the value of the oppressed.

The work of art contains the issues of oppression for the weak in the society. The work demonstrates lack of respect for human value and rights. In life the superiors usually mistreat and oppress the poor as they do not have the powers to fight for their rights (Cordner, Pp.23). Hence, the powers bestowed to the superiors enable them to see other human beings as rubbish which can be dumped in the dustbins when they think and believe.

The street art needs to be place on the front page of the national newspaper so that everybody can see it. The front page of the national newspaper attracts many people and passes the information very quickly as possible (Cordner, Pp.23). Therefore, by placing it on the front page the newspaper it would achieve the intended goals and intentions.

The newspaper would be the best medium for this street art because it serves all people in the society.  Both oppressors and the oppressed would be in position to understand the message passed by the street art (Cordner, Pp.23. The size of the street art on the first page of the newspaper would be 5’’ and 8’’ in order to be clear and deliver the intended message to the people.

Work cited

Cordner, L.  Life and death matter: losing value for human rights. 2013. American psychological print.