The effects of inter-generational trauma on Aboriginals

Apply your learning to your own culturally safe nursing and midwifery practice related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Words: 750 words (including in-text references). Paper can go up to 825 words maximum. Aim for roughly 160 words per paragraph (5 paragraphs in total), can be more or less words depending on context.

References: Minimum of three references is required. The reference list in not included in the word count and can be older than 5 years. Do not reference the Gibbs Cycle.


Unit Learning Outcomes 

  • Explain the importance of cultural safety and culturally appropriate care and service provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Apply critical reflection on own values and attitudes towards cultural safety and the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

**Please aim to answer the following criterias**

Marking Criteria:

  • Openly examines own experiences. Demonstrates non-defensive discussion of growth and challenges to learning. Asks probing questions about oneself and seeks to answer them.

10 marks


  • In-depth synthesis of thoughtfully chosen readings. Demonstrates analysis and insights learned from the literature. Analyses, synthesizes and evaluates appropriate ideas or issues from class discussion and learning activities.

5 marks


  • Identifies and critiques own cultural rules, personal biases, assumptions or stereotypes and identifies new, non-judgemental thinking in relation to cultural safety.

5 marks


  • Shows tremendous thought and effort. Demonstrates clear and meaningful relevance to , professional and cultural contexts.

5 marks


  • Referencing is APA (6th ed.) with very few/no errors. Reference list shows breadth of reading and academic research. In-text citations are appropriate and well-integrated into writing.

5 marks

Essay Structure:

Paragraph Details of paragraph
Description Describe the issue that you have chosen.  How has it impacted you and how has it impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?


•       How did you feel about the issue before you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?

•       How did you feel about the issue after you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?


Critical         Evaluation

•       What was good/bad, why did you feel this way?

•       Do you always respond in the same way, if so why?

•       How do you think you knew what you knew?

•       Was your response to the issue due to an experience or limited consideration/understanding?


Analysis &  Conclusion

•       What do you know now that you did not know before?

•       Have any historical, political, cultural and environmental factors that you have learnt about influenced your attitudes and beliefs about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?  If so how? (Evidence to support).

•       How will this new knowledge about yourself impact cultural safety when caring for Aboriginal people?

Action plan:

Part B Reflection

•       What will you do to implement culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal people and how might your own values and attitudes contribute towards this