Education Report: Policy(VEYLDF)

Assessment 1- Written report: Policy in Action


Assessment Purpose

The purpose of this task is to understand strategies in policy that seek to promote parent and community involvement in the educative process. Through analysing such policy you will gain an understanding of the importance of centre-community partnerships for children’s educational success.


    Assessment Details

Quality early childhood education derives from partnerships between the educational setting, learners and community. Using the Victorian policy document, Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF), you will:

1.         Explore and identify the Framework’s policy on parent and community partnerships

2.             Briefly summarise the policy on parent and community involvement (What does it aim to achieve? What does it include?)

3.            Identify and analyse one practical strategy, process or action in this policy that relates to parent and community involvement in the educative process and any gaps, silences or potential issues with the policy. (Eg: One of the eight practice principles: Partnership With Families)

4.            Connect the policy aims or gaps you have identified to the academic research that discusses family and community involvement and partnerships. Develop a brief argument or recommendation regarding the chosen policy. (need to include at least 5 academic research reference to prove it)

Assessment Criteria

The written task will be assessed using the following criteria:

·         Identification of relevant policy and a strategy or action included in the policy

·         Summary and analysis

·         Research and awareness of academic literature on the issue

·         Ability to demonstrate clear written structure and expression

·         Ability to systematically apply APA academic referencing conventions appropriately and accurately



Three words are causing some confusion- ‘policy’, ‘report’ and ‘analysis’.

In terms of this assessment task, ‘policy’ is used a number of times. The VEYLDF is a product of policy. The positions it communicates about its contents are regarded as policy. Your readings on policy discuss the different types and levels of policy. For example, the practice principles are considered policy on the expectations for the priorities in early years’ educators practice. The framework gives specific examples of how this may look. In terms of parent and community involvement, there are also statements across the Framework document that refer to parents, to families, or community.

The task is to write a ‘report’. This is not a Lab Report with sections for test results and findings.

As a short Task you will not need an abstract. Consider the following sections (from your assessment brief):

1.       Introduction (short)

2.       Body of report: the sections described in the assessment brief.

3.       Conclusion

4.       Reference List

5.       Appendices :if necessary.

The reference list is not included in the word count.

The tasks requires ‘analysis’. This is where you go to the literature on policy analysis (such as in the further readings). Use the further readings on this, and your set readings for the policy lecture will assist you in identifying the particular policy’s aims.




Main focus reading in this assessment:

Using the Victorian policy document, Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)


Further Readings list (optional):


Policy and practice

Taylor, S., Rizvi, F., Lingard, B., & Henry, M. (Eds.). (1997). What is policy? In Educational policy and the politics of change. London: New York: Routledge.


Cohrssen, C., & Niklas, F. (2016). Partnering with families to promote learning. In J. Page & C. Tayler (Eds.), Teaching and learning in the early years (pp. 90-109). Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.



Ball, S. J. (2015). What is policy? 21 years later: reflections on the possibilities of policy research. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(3), 306–313.

Policy and policy analysis

Lingard, B. & Rizvi, F. (2009). Globalizing Education policy analysis, in Lingard, B. & Rizvi. F. (2009). Globalizing Education Policy. : Taylor and Francis.


Woodhead, M. (2006). Changing perspectives on early childhood: theory, research and policy. International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, 4(2).